Chapter Eleven: Sloane's POV

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He smiles and says goodnight before stepping into his car and the driver speeds away. I hand my ticket to the valet and see that the sedan is still sitting there. I roll my eyes, enough is enough. I tell the valet to bring my car in a few minutes, and walk across the street. I knock on the window, scaring Dr. Reid, and motion for him to roll it down.

He obliges and I lean into the car, "Dr. Reid, if you wanted to see me, all you had to do was call. It's a lot less creepy than you stalking me for months."

I smirk and see his cheeks and neck turning red.

"It's okay, Spencie," I lean in closer and whisper in his ear, "I like knowing that you're watching me. It's kind of hot." I can practically feel his pulse increase as I chuckle and pull away. "But I hope you've realized that I'm not a criminal. I just like to use my degrees in an unconventional way."

"What do you mean by that?" he asks, I can tell he's flustered.

"Buy me a drink and I'll tell you," I smirk, "there's a bar up the road called Hank's that usually has a smaller crowd on Thursday nights. Meet me there, unarmed, and I'll tell you everything you want to know, doctor." I wink at him and walk towards the valet right as they drive up in my car.

I know I probably should have been a little less bold and just continued to pretend like I didn't notice he was following me. But what's the fun in that? I look in my rear view to see that he's following me to the bar. I smile, I've got this man wrapped around my finger and I'm just getting started.

I pull into the parking lot at the bar but I don't bother waiting for him to go in. I walk in and take a seat at a high top table facing the door. I see him enter the bar and walk towards me. My eyes drop to the waist of his slacks and see that he removed his gun holster and is indeed unarmed. He sits down across from me, he looks calm, but I know he's frustrated. He thought he was outsmarting me, that I wouldn't notice him following me from city to city. A waitress comes by and asks us what we would like to drink. I order a tequila soda and Dr. Reid gets water.

"That's no fun," I say once the waitress leaves, "you're not even going to have a drink with me?"

"I don't really drink," he tells me, "plus, I want to be sober for our conversation."

I roll my eyes, the waitress brings us my drink and his water. I take a sip, "well, Dr. Reid, you've been following me for three months now, what about you tell me what you've learned about me and then I will enlighten you on what I do."

"Or," he leans in towards me, "you can just tell me what you meant by using your degrees in unconventional ways."

I pout, "you really are no fun." I take another long sip of my drink, "but just because I'm feeling generous, I'll tell you." I put my glass down and lean into him, "as you know I have both a bachelors and a masters degree in psychology and I was going to school to get my PhD."

He nods and I continue, "well, when I meet with my clients, they tend to tell me their problems, whether it be at work, marital, with the kids, really anything shitty happening in their otherwise perfect lives. I help them through it, I give them advice on how to be better employees, spouses, parents. I encourage them to have productive conversations with the people causing them stress and they pay me to do so over a nice meal."

"So what you're saying is," he looks into my eyes, "you're acting as a more casual therapist rather than a date."

I shrug, "yeah. I mean, most of my clients really just want someone to talk to. And as you've probably figured out by now, I have a lot of alpha males on my client list and those types typically don't believe in therapy."

He nods as I speak, drinking his water, being careful not to react too much. "Okay, but these people really give you money just for your time? They buy you plane tickets, splurge on nice hotels and fancy dinners just to talk?"

"Yep," I finish off my drink, "like I told you before Spencer, I am lovely company."

"So you don't sleep with any of your clients?"

I shake my head, "if they cross the line they're off my list. I stop seeing them, block their numbers and tell every girl I know to watch out for them."

"I'm sorry," he says after taking a sip of his water, "but you really want me to believe that these powerful alpha males really pay to just talk to you?"

"You'd be surprised how desperate lonely people are," I shrug and stand up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

I cock my head, "well, you're not going to give me any information and I've finished my drink, so why would I stay?" I cross my arms, "unless, you want me to. Are you a lonely man, Dr. Spencer Reid?" I run my pointer finger up his arm and smirk, causing him to break out in a crimson blush.

"Well, how much will it cost me to spend a little more time with you?"

I roll my eyes and sit back down, "the first meet is always free but you're not exactly in the right tax bracket to be a client, Dr. Reid." I look him in the eyes, "however, if you're wanting to make this a date, then you're going to have to contribute something to the conversation to make it worth my time."

He smiles, "okay then."

The waitress comes back around and he orders two tequila sodas before turning his attention back to me.

"What would you like to know?"

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