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Quinn and Puck got to Rachel and Finn's apartment again, Rachel opened her door and let the two in. When they walked in Quinn noticed that Kurt, Tina and another boy was there, she and Puck walked to the three "hey" she said to them.

"Hi" Tina gave her a sweet smile "oh this is my boyfriend Mike" Tina said pointing to the new boy next to her.

"Hi" he gave them a wave.

"Hey" Quinn said as Puck stayed behind her with his hands in his pockets.

"I've got to say, you two look amazing" Kurt said to Quinn and Puck.

"Thanks" Quinn smiled.

"Thanks" Puck said.

"You look amazing. All of you" Quinn said to the three.

Kurt was in his phantom costume and Tina and Mike were carrie and tommy ross from 'Carrie'.

"Thanks" all three of them said.

"Hey, do you guys know when Santana will get here?" Rachel said, rushing over to the group.

"Not sure" puck shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll call her" Quinn told Rachel, the blonde then called her Latina friend.

"Hey, what's up?" Santana said, answering the phone.

"Hey, where are you?" Quinn asked, cutting straight to the chase.

"I'm about 5 minutes away" Santana sighed "is Berry worrying?" She asked, laughing a little.

"Yeah" Quinn laughed "I think she realises that she can't do these parties without you".

Santana laughed "yeah do you remember the first time she tried to be cool and do one of these parties" Santana giggled.

"Yeah and we could only have one wine cooler each" Quinn laughed.

Santana laughed "alright just tell her I'll be there soon ok?"

"Alright" Quinn said "see ya".

"See ya".

Quinn hung up the phone and went to find Rachel.

"Hey Rachel" Quinn yelled out to the brunette once she had found her "Santana will be here soon".

Rachel let out a sigh of relief "thanks Quinn".

"No problem rach" Quinn smiled and watched her friend go over to Finn.

"Hey girl" Mercedes said coming up to Quinn.

"Hey" Quinn said and gave Mercedes a hug.

"You look great" Mercedes said with a smile.

"You do too!" Quinn exclaimed, Mercedes was dressed as a zombie.

"Thanks" Mercedes smiled "so when does this party start?" Mercedes asked, laughing.

"As soon as Santana gets here" Quinn laughed.

The two girls laughed.

"Let's get this party started" Santana yelled as she stepped into the apartment "but first I need a few of you losers to help me get the stuff out of the car" Santana said.

Puck, Finn, Mike and Blaine went outside to help Santana.

Puck silently grabbed one of the boxes of alcohol.

"Hey squirrel head" Santana yelled out to Puck.

Puck looked at the Latina and sighed "yeah?"

"Why haven't you and Quinn gotten together already?" She asked the boy softly.

"She wants to-".

"yeah yeah she wants to preserve your friendship" Santana rolled her eyes "I mean why haven't you tried harder to get her? Are you just gonna give up already?" Santana asked.

"I don't want to force her to be with me if she doesn't want to" Puck explained.

"But the thing is, she does want to be with you... and I can tell you two would be a lot happier together" Santana said and walked away.

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