"Happy birthday soon to be dad" I whisper in his ear

6 months later, here we are! We found out a couple months ago that we will be having a girl! We started planning out the nursery which by the way, Molly was over joyed about. She was so excited and had a whole list of names for us to choose from. She was so cute. Molly also had been a great help

The past couple months have been really hard for me. The morning sickness was really bad. My immune system had also grown a bit weaker, I was just recovering from a cold that I had gotten. The cough was still there but I was starting to feel much better.

Ive been stuck in bed sick for the past few days, under Doctor Ace's strict orders... I missed going out and going to work. Believe it or not, I've finally had enough of staying in bed and watching Netflix. I missed the great outdoors.

Today I was finally good enough to go back to work. We had a big meeting today so that should be fun

Changing into a flowy light blue dress, I tie my hair into a low bun with the front pieces hanging lose shaping my face. Turning to the side, I look at my growing baby bump in the mirror.

"I'm so excited to meet you little one" I whisper with a smile, placing my hands on my tummy

Grabbing my purse, I head down the stairs and find Ace on the phone probably with work and Molly making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning! Breakfast for 2 coming right up" Molly says with a cheerful smile as she turns to place a plate full of eggs, bacon and fruit

"Mmm that looks good" Ace says taking a seat beside me on the breakfast table

He reaches for a piece of bacon but Molly hits his hand with the spatula, pushing his hand away

"Breakfast for '2' doesn't include you Mister! This is for the mommy and the baby." she says raising a brow at him

I hold back my laugh as Ace looks up at her with sadness in his eyes

"She's just kidding" I laugh out, sharing my plate of food with him

"Yum thank you Molly, this is delicious" I say

"Anything for my sweethearts" she adds pinching my cheek before leaving us to eat

"You look dashing in blue this morning, how are my two favourite people feeling?" Ace asks placing a kiss on my belly then one on my cheek

"We're doing pretty well, I think the cough is getting better" I answer

"Are you sure you still want to give the meeting today? We can reschedule or let someone else do it if your not feeling w-"

"Don't worry Ace I'm feeling fine, besides I don't wanna stay home anymore. I miss work" I pout

He lets out a low chuckle

"Fine by me" and places his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug

I rest my head on his shoulder, and then slowly reach my arm across the table, grabbing a strawberry

When my lazy ass couldn't reach it, Ace's long arm grabs the bowl of fruit, bringing it closer for me to reach.

"What would I do without you?" I ask shaking my head

"You definitely would not be eating the strawberry right now" he says placing the berry in my mouth

Oh to love a man who feeds you food.


Reaching work, we greet our employees and go into our offices.

Ah it was so nice to be back. How much I missed my office chair, and my desk, and the city view!

As I got ready for the meeting, I started to feel my head pounding into a really bad headache. I stand up and feel dizzy as well. Trying to shake it away, I feel my cough return. I thought I was finally starting to feel better but yet here we are...

"Mrs. Anderson is everything alright?" Sarah asks, walking into my office

As my cough grows persistent and worsens, she walks up to me and pats my back.

"Here drink some water" she says passing me a water bottle

Taking a sip, I still feel heaviness in my chest.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call a doctor or-" I shake my head

"Thank you Sarah but no need, I'm fine. Tell everyone the meeting is starting soon, I'm just going to quickly use the bathroom" I say trying to hold in my cough

She nods her head and I exit my office, walking over to the bathroom.

I feel the heaviness in my chest returning as my cough escapes my mouth. I felt my lungs closing in, it was so painful. I grab a paper towel and place it on my mouth as my cough worsened.

All of a sudden, I feel wetness leave my mouth as I let out another cough. Pulling the paper towel away from my mouth, my heart instantly sinks into my chest when I see blood on the towel. I cough again and more blood comes out.

'This is not good' I say to myself

Feeling my knees grow weak, I throw the paper towel out and wash my hands and mouth. My hands were shaking but I try to compose myself as I rush out of the bathroom to find Ace. Everything starts to spin around me and when I enter the meeting room where everyone had gathered, I start to loose my balance.

Looking up, I'm met with Ace's worried gaze when he sees me at the door, holding on so I don't fall down.

"Alexandra?" he calls out with concern

"Mrs. Anderson is everything okay?" I hear Leila ask with worry

Thankfully Ace quickly walks up to me and as soon as he reaches me, I feel my body give up as I faint into his arms.

Oh no.

Poor Alex I hope she's okay!!

What do you think the baby's name is gonna be?

Comment below 💋

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