118: Draco's Recovery

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As the words echoed in the silent room, Cassiopeia's head raised from her hands, and her eyes fixed on him as he awoke. He appeared exhausted, but his awakening brought her a sense of relief. She couldn't bear to think of what might have happened if things had taken a worse turn.

"You okay?" Cassiopeia rushed from her chair to sit on the side of his bed, taking his hand in hers. "You scared me to death, you know?"

His weak chuckle, despite his condition, managed to bring a small smile to her face through the tears. She kissed his hand, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. Seeing him fall victim to that deadly spell had filled her with panic. It was hard to believe that Harry had used it on him.

"Malfoys never die that easily," he said with a smug smile, which made her roll her eyes. "Can I have some water?"

Cassiopeia nodded and helped him sit up, propping a pillow behind him for support. She filled a glass with water from the jug on the bedside table.

His hands were still trembling. She brought the glass to his lips, allowing him to drink the water more easily. Once he had finished, she called Madam Pomfrey to examine him.

The healer administered a bitter potion, and Cassiopeia could tell by the disgusted expression on his face that it was not a pleasant experience. It reminded her of her own ordeal a year ago.

As she waited for Madam Pomfrey to finish, her thoughts drifted to Tom. She hadn't seen him often lately, and even when they did cross paths, he seemed to ignore her.

A hand brushed against hers, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked at Draco, who wore a concerned expression. She smiled and gently squeezed his hand.

"That was painful, Cassie," he admitted. "I can't believe you had to go through the same thing. Potter used that... er..."

He groaned, clearly irritated by the memory. Cassiopeia couldn't help but giggle at how annoyed he was.

"Anyways, I can't easily forgive him for what he did," she chimed in, patting his hand, which rested on her thigh. "I warned him not to use that spell, but he did."

"Seriously?" Draco's voice turned stern. "I never thought Scarface would go that far."

"Come on, Draco," Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow. "You've done enough to him, haven't you?"

"But I only broke his nose; I didn't kill him," he rolled his eyes again.

"Broke his nose?" Cassiopeia gasped. "When did that happen?"

"Last year when we came to Hogwarts," he lazily answered. "He was eavesdropping using that invisible cloak, so I taught him a lesson."

"You two are really something," Cassiopeia shook her head, wondering if they would ever get along better. "Why don't you like him?"

"Did you come to see me or to talk about that pathetic Potter?" Draco spat. Cassiopeia remained silent.

"I'm just curious, sorry for that," she bit her bottom lip. "When will you be discharged?"

He shrugged his shoulders. They continued to talk about many things for hours. While Draco appeared stressed, he didn't bring up the topic he had mentioned the previous day before Harry's attack. Cassiopeia didn't press him, knowing that it would only worsen his mood.

Eventually, she had to leave for dinner. Before departing, she ensured that he had taken his medication, and Blaise informed her that he would stay with Draco for the night to provide some company.

After dinner, Cassiopeia ran into Harry on her way. His guilty look didn't escape her notice, and she shook her head in disappointment as they crossed paths.

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