Chapter 17

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I was almost to 4000 words for this chapter and was barely mid way so I broke this up between two chapters.



Everyone in that room froze at the sound of a familiar voice, a voice they all heard and remembered ever if it was a few years for some of them. Standing a few feet from being in the middle of the two groups was a Steve with snowy white hair and rare amethyst eyes filled with kindness and warmth. The large fireball disappeared as its conjure no longer felt the anger he once had.

"Hey everyone" Light spoke with a soft smile, "Been some time."

Behind the snowy Steve were Sabre, Lucas, Shadow, and Silver. Sabre was supporting Shadow since he could not stand due to his ankle being dislocated, Sabre's powers could do so much. Lucas was next to them and if you look hard enough you can see a small Steve just a few shades darker than Light hiding behind him.

Even though he suffered a great number of injuries, Nightmare stumble towards the Steve, ignoring his body's protest to rest. He took his son's face in his hands, red eyes filled with disbelief. Light held his dad's hands with his own, rubbing his thumbs in a soothing matter.

"L-Light?" Nightmare took his son's face in his hands, red eyes filled with disbelief.

Light held his dad's hands with his own, rubbing his thumbs in a soothing matter, "Hey dad"

"Y-You're all grown up"

"I did, but I'm still your baby boy"

Unable to take it anymore, Nightmare pulled Light into a hug, emotions built up broke through now that his baby was back in his arms. Rainbow was next to come over to join the hug, happy to see his friend, now big brother back after so long. It took him a minute, but Dark joined and let his emotions pour through just like his dad. Dark could not believe that his little brother is standing here, breathing once again. Reverse stood glue in his spot, unable to convince himself to join his family, a word he has not used in years, to feel the warmth once more, but he was hesitant; Rainbow and Dark probably still hated him and Light more than likely holds some sort of anger towards him.

"Reverse?" The said Steve looked up to see his big brother smiling and holding out a hand towards him, "You were never at fault Rev, now come and give us a hug little brother"

Hearing his old nickname made something click in Reverse's mind. It did not take long before Reverse came running to his brothers' arms letting out of his emotions in tears. Nightmare, Rainbow, Dark and Reverse were all crying as Light whispered comforting words to them all. They were happy to have their Light back after so many years.

For the first time in Shadow's life, he got to see his dad truly smile aside from the day he was born which did not count since he did not remember. Sabre and Lucas shared a smile among themselves, they were happy for them especially for Reverse after Light told them the truth about what happened that day. As for Silver, he was very confused being that he only known Lucas, Sabre, his mom - Light - and his dad his entire life, but if his mom was happy, he was too.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything Light" Reverse cried.

Dark shook his head, "No it was my fault, I'm the oldest and I let all of this happen"

"And I'm at fault too, I'm your twin and should have been there for you" Rainbow admitted.

"No, it's mine, I shouldn't have played favorites. All of you are my sons and I should be proud of that" Nightmare said.

"Hush all of you. It's all in the past so everyone is forgiven now" Light smiled. He was so happy to have all his family back and not fighting.

A smile tugged on Negative's lips at the reunion while his brother and Plague cried at the beautiful moment, both hugged one side of the blonde at the sight. Internally signing, Negative glanced at the girl who teleported them; as secretive and neutral she is, he could see the happiness in her eyes. Echo felt a weight lift off his shoulders seeing Nightmare reunited with his sons, the promise she made to him was fulfilled. Rift was glad for the small family, though it is not a small family anymore as they continue to grow.

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