Start from the beginning

there was no need for deciding now — not that she would, anyway. she had made it clearer than crystals that she wouldn't be joining the team.

but giving it some thought, couldn't hurt that much.


"how about here, natsuko-san?"

"that will do. thank you, ellie-chan." the female in question affirmed, lowering the box of books in her arms to see where the younger had placed hers. "perfect — i think the club is starting to look up.. more or less." she trailed off, grimacing at the vacancy of the room. "it's definitely on the empty side.."

ellie dusted her skirt off, placing her hands on her hips to have a look around. "i suppose last year consisted mostly of third years. but um- i saw some forms on the way in here. maybe they're just a little late?" she forced a smile, wanting to remain optimistic.. though it was becoming increasingly more difficult.

"that's not really reliable.." the third year mumbled back, sinking back into her chaise in defeat. "in order to keep our club and space, we need a minimum of four members." she continued, flipping through the stapled applications. "and so far only seven people have applied," a suspenseful pause. "including ourselves."

known for its sports and less 'boring' clubs, of course aoba johsai's literature club would get minimal attention in comparison. as there were very few students who took enjoyment in both reading and writing. not when a good spectacle of a sport was more entertaining.

even so..

the brunette lifted her head after a moment in her thoughts, turning to the president with a look of determination. one that only crossed ellie's features when her passion burned as bright as the stars in a moonless sky. "there's still a half hour left and all we need is two more people. i don't want to give up on them yet or have them show up to an empty room.. so if you need to be home soon, i can just-"

"no, no." natsuko intercepted, pushing her glasses up. "that won't be necessary. i'll stay as well.. it'd be wrong to leave it without seeing things through all the way." she tried saying, lowering her hand. "even if the result remains to be the two of us."

ellie smiled at her change of heart, nodding in agreement. "i couldn't have said it better." she laughed a little before getting comfortable on the sofa. "anyway, i guess we just wait now for-"

"sorry! is this the literature club room? we're a lil' late.." a feminine voice spoke, thickened with what sounded like a kansai accent. or well, it reminded ellie and natsuko of one. "found this guy on the way! not sure what his excuse is, though."

the elder of the two rose from her seat, dismissing the brunette with a wave. "that's quite alright — you're the transfer student from hyogo. miyu kozakura from class 2-5, if i'm not mistaken?"

"bingo! that'd be me~ glad to make yer acquaintance." the girl named miyu grinned before pointing to the boy beside her. "and this dude is uh.."

an exasperated sigh. "kasui nishimura, class 3-6." he introduced, lowering his headphones. "there's no excusing my tardiness, i just didn't hear the bell because of these."

"3-6 is tooru-san's class.." ellie wondered to herself, but pushed the thought away as quick as it came. "no worries, it's nice to meet you both! i'm ellie natsukashi of class 2-6 — but please call me ellie..! my last name can often be a mouthful.."

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