"Are you kidding me? I am going to be front row cheering on my favorite girl," he says with a grin.

I blush slightly and look down at the coffee in my hands.

"So remind me of the schedule again," I say before picking up my fork and stabbing a berry.

"We have to get to the arena at 3 for sound check and a quick rehearsal, then after we get to wardrobe and change. You will go on and do your set at 6 and then I have my bit at 7. After that we have a celebration planned and then back here we come," he says.

I nod and curl my knees up to my chest. I look out at the beautiful Italian view in front of me and take a deep breath.

This is my life.

My mind is still struggling to wrap itself around that. I am here in Italy with a beautiful man who believes in me and supports my goals and I am living out the dreams I've had since I was seven. I see movement to my side and turn to look to see Harry with his phone raised and pointed at me to snap a candid. I smile and hide behind a curtain of hair. He laughs and once more looks down at his phone.

"T minus 9 hours," he says.

two hours

I am sitting out in one of the seats that will soon be filled by someone else who has been counting down the days till this moment for months. I just finished my sound check and rehearsal with my band and I was now watching Harry in his run now.

After this I would be meeting Alessia in the dressing room and getting ready for the show. She had picked out such amazing outfits and I was so excited to finally wear one of them. I run through the order of my songs tonight in my head and think about all the notes I have to remember and things I want to improve. Harry strums his guitar on stage, running through Golden while the sound technician EQs his mic and the other instruments.

After a few more minutes, Harry finishes up his rehearsal and comes out to the audience to join me. I stand up to meet him halfway in the aisle. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist and mine go up around his neck as he wraps me in a warm hug. He picks me up off the ground and I smile at the change in elevation.

"You sounded great baby," he says slowly and it causes my grin to only grow.

"Thank you. You too," I say and Harry puts me back down.

"Come on. We gotta go get changed," he says, taking my hand and we start to walk backstage.

"What? You don't think I should do the show in this? I think it's a real statement," I say gesturing to my sweatpants and t-shirt.

He laughs and presses a kiss to my temple.

"No darling, I love your outfit. But you might want to see what Alessia has before you go out in loungewear," he says with a laugh.

I giggle and nudge him slightly. We reach the dressing room and Harry opens the door and guides me inside. Alessia is there with a rack of clothes and is facing the counter digging through a bag of what seemed to be makeup and hair styling tools.

"Hi," I say walking into the room.

Alessia spins around to face Harry and I with a grin. She throws her arms up in the air and beams at the two of us.

"Ah!! Hi you guys!! Who is ready for the first show of tour part two!" she says walking over to us and giving us both a giant hug.

All of us laugh and we break apart and Alessia takes me by the hand to guide me over to the rack.

The Kindness Of A Sunflower (h.s)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя