The ravenette stared in the direction the blonde had exited, then rolled her neck and sighed in exhaustion, deciding not to further ponder the matter in an attempt to keep her brain from exploding.

* * *

Wind hit Marinette like a ton of bricks as she departed the building, the glass doors shutting behind her.

The ravenette retraced her steps back to where her car was parked in the lot, but stopped short as her eyes caught onto a large sign.

"'Noir Coffee.' Is this place new?" Marinette thought aloud as she read the board, not able to recall the shop being placed there the last time she was in Paris.

The ravenette decided to use coffee as a distraction from everything that had happened that past morning, and entered into the shop. A bell hung on the door rang loudly, causing a few eyes to be drawn in Marinette's direction.

There was a slight gasp from behind the cashier's counter, followed by a loud, muffled squeal. "Marinette?" a high-pitched voice, familiar to the ravenette exclaimed.

A petite blonde girl was standing behind the counter with her hands clasped together, her sky blue eyes wide and full of energy. The top half of her short hair was pulled back with a bright pink bow, making her recognizable the second Marinette layed eyes on her.

"Marinette! Oh, goodness, I'm not dreaming, am I? Alya wasn't lying, you're really back!" Rose chirped, her voice coming off louder than necessary.

"Rose! It's great to see you again." The ravenette remarked as she walked up to the counter, greeting the blonde.

"I thought you were never coming back! Ah, well, I'm not sure if I'd be strong enough to return here if I went through what you did..." Rose spoke, her voice growing weaker as she finished the sentence.

A sorrowful look crossed the blonde girl's features.

The ravenette offered a reassuring smile, lifting Rose's spirits up again. "I'm okay, Rose. I'm past it now." Marinette spoke assuringly, though it sounded more as if she were convincing herself than the blonde girl. Rose nodded simply, dropping the heavy topic.

The blonde girl tapped her fingertips on the counter, then placed both hands on her hips enthusiastically.

"Well, what can I get you, Marinette? If you'd like, I could give you some coffee recommendations" Rose added with a wink.

The ravenette let out a quiet giggle at the blonde girl's attempt to lighten the mood

"I think I'll have a café crème, please." Marinette responded after a minute.

"Make that two. I'll pay." A third voice added from directly behind the ravenette.

Marinette whipped her head around so fast she thought it might spin off.

The ravenette's bluebell eyes narrowed as they came into contact with emerald green ones. Adrien had leaned forwards to slide his credit card across the counter over to Rose, but hadn't expected for the ravenette to turn around, or for their faces to be as close as they were in that moment.

"Mr. Agreste. What a pleasure seeing you here." Marinette muttered sarcastically, her body becoming stiff. "I could say the same, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien replied dryly, leaning away from the ravenette and standing up straight.

"I thought you were hard at work, what are you doing out of the office?" Marinette growled, crossing her arms. "For your information, I'm a regular here. And it's quite a pain to have to fetch a beverage myself while my personal assistant is off duty." The blonde subtly added.

"Aw, the prince actually had to lift his ass and serve himself. What a pity! How about I shine your shoes to make up for it?" The ravenette offered, sarcasm dripping from every word.

Adrien caught the glare Marinette sent his way, and gladly returned it.

Rose noticed the thick tension in the air and let out a small groan, mentally debating the best way to break up the fight. Suddenly, the small counter-bell rang, signifying that the coffee's were done.

"Your two café crèmes!" The blonde girl squeaked, sliding the drinks across the counter in an attempt to separate the two.

Marinette sighed, and reached to grab her coffee, but of course, Adrien had the same idea and the same will to leave just as bad as she did.

The ravenette's hand accidentally smacked against Adrien's as they reached for the same cup, causing Marinette to flinch back immediately.

The blond eyed her, not drawing back his hand and instead, grabbing his own coffee.

Marinette wouldn't have expected any more from him.

Once Adrien retreated his hand, Marinette snatched her own drink, spinning around and leading herself towards the exit.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." Was the last thing the ravenette heard before she was out and into the street.

* * *

Marinette felt bad later that she had stormed out of the shop, and hadn't had a chance to thank Rose, so the ravenette found the blonde girl's old number buried in her contacts and called it, praying the number was still in use.

The phone rang not even two times before a person picked up.

"Ms. Dupain-Cheng, how may I help you?" a man greeted in a monotone voice.

"Adrie-! What the actual hell, is my life some kind of joke to the world?" Marinette groaned, infuriated.

The ravenette lowered the phone from her ear, her eyes trailing to the caller ID, which read Blondie.

Marinette smacked her forehead.

"Oh... crap. How did I forget to change that..." the ravenette muttered under her breath, her blood boiling.

"Why did you have to pick up? You!" Marinette rhetorically screamed into the phone, throwing her arms up into the air. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line.

"Ms. Dupain-Cheng, I believe you're the one that called my number..." Adrien pointed out, his tone slightly annoyed.

"Well, no shit, sherlock. I just didn't know you were going to be the one to pick up!" The ravenette spat back defensively.

"What... Did you hit the happy juice by any chance...?" The blond questioned, holding in a snicker as he predicted her next comment.

Marinette sat silent for a second, processing the words before understanding what he meant.

"No, I am not drunk, Adrien!" The ravenette screeched, surprised she didn't break the speaker on the device. Marinette grumbled as she rubbed her eyes in exhaustion.

"Don't call me back." The ravenette muttered, her finger hovering over the 'end call' button.

"I never called you-" The blond quickly retorted, but was cut off as Marinette hung up, a personal attack to his pride.

The ravenette tossed the phone beside her, leaning back and covering her eyes with her arm. Marinette let out a heavy sigh.

"I'll be fine." The ravenette slowly whispered out loud.

She lied.

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