"Please stop" I said , with my eyes closed , I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes ,because of the fear .

The whole floor just went into silence, a deadly silence , the only thing I could hear was the heavy breathe of my new client 'Alwar ' mixed with heavy breathing of mine

I was shaking but didn't loose the grip on his hand .

"Open your eyes " his husky voice hit my ears , and sent goosebumps all over my body ,but still I couldn't gather courage to open my eyes

"I said open your EYES" he shout the last part as I flinched , I slowly open my eyes ,and my eyes meet with the brown pair of blank eyes , his eyes was blank , beautifully blank , It was mysterious and plain with no shine in them

His face was chiseled , sharp jawline.  High eyebrows with perfect nose. But there was not a single emotions to decorate his beautiful face

"Stella" his said my name in very low voice as my eyebrows knotted in confusion . How he knows my name ?

He slowly slide off the guard as people rush toward him to help him .

" Take him to the hospital" I said still gripping the hand of this guy, his knuckles was bleeding .

His breathe becomes normal , we were still on the ground with my body on him . I realized what position we are in so I quickly removed myself from him and stand up dusting my clothes off .

He followed my lead as he also stands up .he was scratching his head , not knowing what to say

" Well , I am you therapist" I said and a shock wave on his face " are you fucking serious" he said in a very different tone , it was hard to point out if he was happy or sad

" Yes " I said " now if you please come to my cabin with me , we can start further " I said , goddamn I was not even prepared to handle him , how I am even gonna start.

I took a glance towards him again , he was running his hands in his hairs acting all normal , like he never beaten someone to death just a minute ago

He disgusts me right now , how can someone hurt people and act all normal ? People like him don't feel anything for anyone

But he is not normal , he need helps, maybe then he can become a better person

With that hope we move toward my cabin


"So what your name" I asked ,he was lazily sitting on the chair with his legs on the table , it was quite disrespectful but anyways

"Alwar Le Deón " he said as he lean back on the chair, humming songs to himself, like he don't care what is going around here

"So tell me about you " I asked as j came and stand near his leg by supporting my lower body the  desk

"You already know most of it by reading that file" he said pointing towards the file on the table " but I want to hear it from your mouth " I said crossing my arms on my chest as I forced a smile on my face .

He scanned my face ,I bite my lips under his gaze , his eyes move to my neck and stop on my pendant

"You want to hear it from my mouth , that what kind of bad person I am ?" He said ,and my heart broke at this , he hate himself ,and this is the worst thing that can even happen to someone ,a human can stand whole world against him ,but they can't stand when there own self stand against them .

"I don't think you are bad , you just victim of the world " I said ,looking directly in his eyes with a genuine smile this time . His eyes became shiny , like life has returned to it ,but something flipped in him as his eyes again become dark

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