"Hey baby sis! How are you?" Lou asked me cheerfully.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"You look great!" he said. I laughed at his comment.

"Where's everyone?" I asked him.

"In the corridor." he said happily

"Is everyone ok? Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah. But Niall's freaking out. He doesnt know that you woke up. He thinks its all his fault." Lou said with his evil grin.

"Lou. That isnt nice. That was kinda mean." I said letting out a giggle. He laughed too.

"C'mon. He deserved it." Lou said.

"He did. But Sel told me to give him a chance to explain." I said.

"Hey!" John and Chris screamed while opening the door.

"Hey." I said.

"How are you Kenz?" Chris asked me.

"Im better." I said.

"Does your leg hurt?" John asked me. I placed my hand on my leg. Just now I realized that its hurting.

"A little. But I can handle it," I said.

"Aww.... Mac. You know what always cheers you up?" Chris asked me.

"Oh no." I said.

"Oh yes." John and Chris said at the same time. When we met, I used to watch spongebob everyday, and he would always cheer me up. One day, John and Chris acted a spongebob episode, and it was hilarious. But I can imagine how humiliating it was.

They started to act it all out. John was being SpongeBob, and Chris was acting Patrick and Sandy. Lou and I went hysterical. My tummy started to hurt.

"What do you two think you're doing?" A young infermary asked. She looked to be about my age. Maybe she was a volunteer.

"Um..." Chris said. He seemed nervous.

"Well, they were trying to make me feel better." I said.

"Oh. Because that was hilarious. I was seriously enjoying it." the infermary said.

"What's your name?" Chris asked her.

"I'm April." she said.

"Well April, I'm MacKenzie, but you can call me Mac or Kenzie. And these are Lou, Chris and John." I said pointing to each one of them.

"How old are you? You seem young to work on a hospital." Lou asked.

"I'm seventeen. And I'm actually a volunteer." April said. She walked over to me and adjusted some machines.

"You may continue if you want to." April said smiling.

The boys did as told. They kept on acting it out. I saw April laugh, while I went back to going hysterical. Lou got his phone out and started to text some people.

"Who are you texting?" I asked him laughing.

"The guys, and the girls." he said.


"I'm telling them that you're ok." Lou said.

Minutes later, everyone was in my room. Including Niall. Niall was sitting quietly without barely speaking a word.

"Angie, could you lend me your class notes?" I asked her.

"Obviously. You have to! I made my best handwriting on my notes so you can copy!" Angie said. I laughed.

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