don't prank your s/o (oneshot)

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"loki i swear to god i'm going to kill you!" you stormed down the halls of the compound in a hurry, hearing the soles of your shoes clack loudly against the tile floors. "i don't care if you're a god! it's about to get ragnarok up in this bitch."

the sound of his amused chuckle brings you to the kitchen, where he's leaning nonchalantly against the counter and sipping a cup of tea.

"why, good morning, darling," he greets you pleasantly.

"you." you stomped up to loki, who set his mug down gently and snaked his hands around your hips. "no, no, get off of me. i'm mad at you."

"what has my little dove so upset? you haven't even brushed your hair this morning."

"fuck that. we need to talk. now."

he pulled you close, keeping your body flush against his. he was obviously enjoying this. "mmm, but you feel so good against me, i don't want to let you go."

you shoved your way from his grasp, ignoring loki's smirk. "get your horny ass into the conference room."

tony chose that precise moment to saunter into the kitchen. he looked confused at your irritated expression. "what's up with you?"

"nothing," you gritted your teeth. "we just have a ...uh, situation."

tony shrugged then looked loki dead in the eye. "alright. but just know this, reindeer games. you lay a hand on y/n, and you're dead. d - e - a - d. got it?"

"oh that won't be necessary. where did you want to meet, my love? the conference room?"

"the conference room?" tony whistled and then laughed to himself. "oh, you're in huge trouble, loki. see you on the other side."

you glared at your boyfriend and pointed wordlessly to the room at the end of the hall. loki downed the rest of his tea and followed you closely, close enough that he slapped your ass just as you entered the room.

"that's it," you slammed the door behind you, not caring that the noise would probably awake the others who were sleeping.

loki just grinned devilishly. "sorry, love. couldn't resist. so what did you want to talk about, hm?"

"oh, don't pretend you don't know. you're a creep and i hate you."

"that's not what you said two nights ago when we were--"

"regardless," you interrupted, "i can't believe you tricked me like that! seriously, loki? a cat?"

"it was a foolproof plan, my love. you were never supposed to find out."

"is that supposed to make it better?"

"did it work?"

you set your jaw and glared at him.

no, it didn't work, and it didn't help the situation.

loki's using his shapeshifting powers to make you laugh, to help you out... that was fine. encouraged, even. but to transform into a stray black cat on the street, persuade you with wide green eyes to take you home, and then refuse to leave your bedroom for an entire day? that was not okay. especially since the cat sat there and watched you with curious, intelligent eyes as you undressed for the night. as you sat in bed and missed loki, wondering why he didn't tell you where he was going.

only to find, however, that the cat you found on the street was your boyfriend. and he'd seen you naked without any of your consent.

you sighed in exasperation. loki softened, noticing that you were really upset with him, and went over to touch your cheek. against your better judgement, you leaned into his touch.

"i'm sorry i upset you, y/n. it was meant to be a joke, but i can see it had the opposite effect. i never meant to hurt you and i'm sorry that i did. please forgive me."

you gave him a small smile, pleased with his apology. "i forgive you. it was actually a pretty good plan, to be honest. but loki," you sidled up to him, stroking his chest. he hummed with contentedness. "if you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask."

his pupils dilated. "kitten," he moaned, and leaned down to kiss you with a little more passion than expected.

things got heated quickly, and like most times when you and loki are together, you momentarily forgot that you were in the conference room. where anyone could walk in on you two.

you pulled away, not without a little reluctance, and put your finger to loki's lips when he protested. "let's finish this elsewhere, hm?"


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