y/n's song (drabble)

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one thing you've always admired about loki – amidst countless other things – was his hands: the soft palms, the smooth skin, the veins that protrude when he flexes his fingers.

his hands hypnotize you, especially when he slips them in your own or, especially, when they're clasped around your throat, the coolness of his skin against your warm neck bringing you pleasure beyond compare.

there was, however, one thing you did not know he could do with his hands, and that was play piano. you knew loki as a man of many talents, but you were not aware that he was musically inclined.

you figured out that loki played piano when he took you to visit asgard

He took you on a tour of the palace, the gardens, and finally his own chambers, elaborately decorated.

you noticed there was a beautiful grand piano in the corner of the room originally you had thought it was just for decoration, but then loki gives you a small smile and takes your hand, leading you over to the piano

"I didn't know you could play," you said as he hovers his hands over the keys

"Only a little" he says modestly and then proceeds to perform a fucking mozart-esque piece

Except it's not quite mozart. Or similar to any other composer's work that you'd heard on earth

It's light and airy, but there's a tinge of melancholy laced throughout the piece that makes your heart swell

"This is an asgardian lullaby," he explains softly while his hands move over the keys. "My mother used to sing it to me when I was a child."

You looked at loki while he played, analyzing the serenity present in his features, but you could see that in his eyes he was miles away thinking about Frigga and her unconditional love for him. 

Loki starts to blush because he can see you staring at him lovingly while he plays

He's never performed for anyone before, so he's a bit nervous as it is and his hands shake a bit. He hopes you don't notice 

You don't really care because when the song ends you interlock your fingers with his and kiss his knuckles

Now he's hella flustered (you'd be surprised, but the smallest acts of affection make him blush)

He teaches you a simple song, one of the first ones that he learned

He guides your hands to the appropriate keys and soon you're able to play a little bit of the song he taught you

You ask him if he knows any other songs and he tenses up because immediately he thinks about the piece he wrote for you, which he's never shown anyone

But you're so cute when you beg him that he gives in and plays the song

Immediately you fall in love with it; it seems to capture the essence of your relationship: the passionate moments, the soft gazes just before you drift to sleep, etc

When he's done you give him all this praise which makes him swell with pride

"I wrote that song for you," he tells you quietly

You're utterly starstruck and your heartbeat speeds up because holy fuck he wrote that for YOU

To show how grateful you are, you pull him by his collar for a kiss and even though you're on asgard, the kiss tastes irrevocably like home

Loki Laufeyson Oneshots and ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz