Chuckling shyly like a 16 year old she sad her last lines . She went with her reply from frantic to demanding then came the shy part and that part was making me die with laughter oh my sweet little dove I hope you get the love of your life soon but surely not this guy hahaha . I just imagined how her ' I'm so shy ' expression will change when she will find out the truth . Hahaha . That girl was actually blushing when she said last of her lines , I can sense it from her tone . She really loves bad boys !

" I knew you would like him . Tonight I'll make you both have a table for a moment Ok so that you can lock your lips " ( chuckles )

" Roni I'm done here , let's go. "

" only If he is a hot chick . I'm collecting your stuff here . Come out fast we need to make you look dazzling today "

Chuckling she said in her flirty tone

" Yeah ? but I think you should try a hand on yourself too because I think tonight someone's gonna have a date filled with lip locks and smooches "

Oh god I'm gonna burst out laughing like a lunatic .just imagine Roni smooching that fluffy guy !

" God Siren , Don't tease me I don't know even if he is here or not "

you better don't find out the truth else I'll be dead .

I came out taking my bag form her hand muttering a quick thankyou and flashing a ear to ear smile I said

" Even if your life partner is hiding in earth's mantle I'm gonna hunt him down to make you happy my sweet mother "

And we both chuckled

We went to the dressing room she readied me with her magical hands in a little while now giving her final touch to my makeup .

" Roni it tickles "

" Don't bite me if I'll smudge your eyeliners , it will make you look like a racoon woken up from deep slumber by nature's call "

" Racoon ? you say it like I was ready with a bucket of black paint in my hand ready to drown my head in it . "

" Exaggeration sometimes does wonders , look you stopped moving . Well what's his .... "

She was cut short by aunty miller

" Girls get ready fast and Siren you will be late dear come on wear your dress quickly , I have hanged it in that cupboard , should I help with the shoes or you can manage ? "

She said with her concerned filled loving eyes , her kind words always melts my heart , I liked aunty very much and sometimes thought that dog must be so luck to have a mother like her .

" Yes aunty all done here , I'll help her in dressing up don't worry we will be on time "

Roni replied in my stead and I was grateful for her since aunty's words brought some bitter-sweet flashbacks . Suddenly I remembered my dad , how he used to help me wear my shoes while my makeup was being done , and how my mother's annoyed expression used to change in a flash when she used to see me all dressed up prettily but being quite scared from the crowd outside waiting for my entry , how she used to hug me saying " I know you are going to do a great job out there . I love you my baby no matter what " in a low voice .
How here mere words actually brought back the courageous little siren in me . Good old days

I loved them , even though they were supper busy they always had time for me for every stupid premier or programs . I missed them very much in every situation like it's been only yesterday they had passed away , those painful memories are still fresh , so fresh that they still holds the capacity to make my eyes go battle a flood of tears and fail horribly . But I can't show this side of me to anyone especially not Roni , she was sensitive to emotions and will break down along with me if I did so and that's the last thing I wanted now also I can't ruin my makeup which took so much of her efforts to complete with so much of time .

After putting my dress on I surely looked dazzling , well what can I say i had beautiful parents and a wonderful friend with magical hands .
In the mirror I saw my self , some stray tear were planning to jump out so I wiped them quickly before anyone could see or they could ruin my makeup . I was not the emotional type . I preferred to keep them at a distance but the memories of my parents were incredibly good at making me a crying-laughing mess , both at the same time I must say .

The snake guarding pearl necklace , That necklace which was the souvenir of that mysterious stranger was still hanging in my neck since that day . It was gothic , charming and lucky too so I never took it off . I sometimes wonder about him , that stranger , he never came back to take this nor to meet me like he said , and to tell you truth Zayn and he was so alike the only difference was there eyes but that had a stark contrast , his was mysterious , a bit scary , hooded but kind blue eyes where kindness dominated other emotions and Zayn was anything but kind . Those cold ruthless , hollow , hooded silver eyes , only a glance at them can send shivers down your spine .

" Siren you gonna be late , you need help ? should I come in ? "

I got over my trance the moment Roni's concern filled voice rang outside the door

" No , I'm fine Roni , I'm coming "

I said in my normal voice and quickly walked out .

I came out of the dressing room Roni quickly checked me out , if there's anything missing or any sign of me being sad . I was good at hiding emotions , yet she never gave up searching for it , my kind , sweet little mother . When She found non she gave me that encouraging smile she always gave when she felt I'm a bit lost . And I smiled back with the brightest smile I had , I was happy .

After a long encouraging speeches my dear Roni and aunty walked out of the dressing room an I headed for the stage .

The time of performance came and soon everybody joined the audience outside . In 2 minutes I had my entry so I caressed my dress for the final time for any non exacting imperfections and quickly kissed my locket and joined the stage with the other supporting dancers .


I'm so sorry dear readers for the late updates but you See I have to manage my busy schedule along with it .

I hope you guys will still want to read my creation , and I love you all

Enjoy. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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