24 • Downfall

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A/N: we are nearing the end (maybe two or three more chapters?) and I'm not sure how frequent updates will be now that I've got exams. SORRYNOTSORRY. i love you all. >:)

Edited 20/8/22

Phil — and a few other wide-eyed villagers — were already waiting with weaponry in the village. An array of wooden and stone swords, handcrafted armor, several bows and arrows — all feeble weaponry against the King, but at least it was something.

Dream met them and tried to explain as quickly as he could while heaving through laboured breaths — he and George had sprinted through the masses of people with their heads down.

He was conscious to keep George behind him. If Phil found out he was the Crown Prince, things may get ugly.

Phil narrowed his eyes at George. "You led the King here?"

"I didn't know I was being tracked," he insisted, "besides, I don't know where the portal is, do I? So he won't find it."

Phil, after shooting George a withering look, nodded to Dream. "Evacuate the Nether."

Impulsively, Dream shook his head. Stray curls fell into his eyes. "But we can... we should defend it, not run away!"

"Defend it? With what?"

"Doesn't... isn't there an army?"

"Not one to rival the King's!"

George was looking behind them. A little breathlessly, he said, "They're gaining on us. They will loot this entire village just to find it."

Dream glanced at Phil. "Where would you even go if you ran away? The King would just find you again."

He could see Phil trying to argue with him, trying to disagree. Dream didn't give him the chance.

Pushing past them, Dream said, "Look, I have to get my family. Whatever happens... thanks for everything, Phil."

He didn't check to see if Phil nodded or smiled, or if he'd even heard.

Without looking back, he set off in a sprint to the caves. He could feel his heart in his eardrums, thudding against his ribs. Looking over his shoulders periodically, Dream tried to keep his paranoia in check. If any of the King's men saw where he was heading, the portal would be exposed.

His makeshift armour felt heavier with every step. Heavy with dread, probably, at what would happen to them. And not just him, and his family — George. Phil. The entire village.

Dream owed them all a lot. So he would protect the portal. Or die trying.

His mother had already sensed something was wrong, for she was at the door, clad in her gold armour once more.

She exclaimed, "Where have you been? I only just got you back—"

Dream interrupted her with the news about the King, and watched her face darken.

He asked quickly, "We can fight, right? Surely we... surely we have to?"

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