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This first dare/ask (I actually don't really know if it's either of them-)

Is from @myshart1 , So be sure to go check them out! They requested some Helliam fluff.

Alright here we go-


"Henryyyyyyyy pleaseeeeee!" William whined, holding onto Henry's sleeve while he headed for the door. Henry turned and looked at him chuckling. "Will, babe, please, I have to go to work in order to pay for this house-" William mumbled under his breath and then his face brightened. "Did...did you just call me babe?" Henry blushed and slapped a hand over his mouth, not realizing he had said that. "I-I didn't know I had, it just came out. Sorry-" William snickered and tackled Henry to the floor. "Pfft- You don't have to be sorry for that love!~" William said sweetly, the male beneath him smiled and rubbed his flushed face. William sat up on top of Henry's chest and kissed him. Henry chuckled at the sudden gesture, but gave into the kiss. William got off of Henry, and picked him up off the ground, bridal style. Henry laughed and tried to get out of his lovers arms, but to no avail.

William plopped them both on the couch and laid on Henry's chest, wrapping his arms around him. "Will-" William placed a hand over Henry's mouth. "Yes yes I know, you have to get to work blah blah blah, but it's been forever since we got alone time! Can work wait, just this once?" Henry bit his lip and blushed at his lovers pleading. "And who knows, maybe I can make money with this magic thing I have for some reason." Henry snorted and looked down at William, who was resting his head on his chest. "Hm, fine. Just this once." William giggled victoriously and started pecking kisses all over Henry's neck, Henry started giggling with him, "W-William! That t-tickles, stahp!-" The two kept laughing before William stopped his actions, and Henry took his chance. He grabbed William's shoulders and pushed him onto the other side of the couch, him on top of William now.

William blushed and chuckled. "What was that for Hen-" William started, but was interrupted by Henry kissing him. William smiled in the kiss and kissed back, wrapping his arms around Henry's neck. Henry slipped his tongue inside William's mouth when he opened it for air, William jolted at the sudden change. 'We haven't done this in awhile-' He thought, but still happily let Henry in. Henry smirked at William's cooperation and kissed him rougher. William furrowed his brow and ran his fingers through Henry's hair, gripping onto it softly. Henry grazed over William's chest with his hands, eventually breaking the the kiss and laying on William's chest, nuzzling into William's neck. William breathed out heavily and kissed Henry's forehead. He turned to his side and held Henry close, resting his head on top of Henry's as he nuzzled in closer to William. They both closed their eyes, enjoying each other's company and the blissful silence.

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