"And what drinks will we be having?" Daphne asked, looking between Emma and Draco. "I've got vodka, whiskey, wine, rum-- merlin, you name it, you got it."

"Er-- I'll take anything pre-mixed I suppose," Emma shrugged, looking at Draco. 

"What she said," he nodded. 

"All right," said Daphne, "but, Emma, before you leave, you have to take a bacardi shot with me."

Emma didn't get the chance to respond; Daphne had walked away to grab knives and forks. Elliot gestured for Emma and Draco to take a seat. Now was the part Emma wasn't looking forward to-- small talk. She knew she wouldn't be so great at that at the moment. 

"Er-- did you want to go and wake Mia up? To eat with us?" said Daphne as she tucked herself in across from Emma. 

Emma shook her head. "She had a snack before we came. I've brought some food for her in my bag she'll have when she's up."

Emma bit her lip, hoping Daphne wouldn't put her on the spot and ask for every detail as to why Draco was here instead of Colton. Sighing, Emma reached out and grabbed a scoop of carbonara and a small side of salad, to make herself feel better and like she was actually doing something good for her body. 

"Sooo," Daphne said, whistling as she placed her chosen foods on her dish. "Tell me, where is this baby daddy of yours?"

Emma took in a deep breath and said, "Probably a motel or something. I'm kinda certain it's over between us."

"What? Really? Didn't you just get engaged?" questions flew out of Daphne's mouth so fast Emma could barely keep up. Daphne's food suddenly wasn't interesting to her anymore. "But you guys have a kid together, how is that going to work? And your house, you guys own that, don't you? What's your living situation, did you kick him out? Will you sell--"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down," Elliot said loudly, eyebrows raised. Daphne chuckled and muttered out an apology. 

"Er... we haven't really discussed any of that, our breakup was pretty recent. Very recent, actually," Emma explained, twisting her carbonara around her fork. Emma exchanged a look with Draco. "And I thought I'd bring Draco along instead."

"As friends, right?" Daphne arched a mischievous eyebrow as she took a sip of her champagne. Elliot shot her a look and shook his head. 

Draco coughed out a chuckle. "I think so? Haven't seen each other in, what, 6-- 7 years? I'd say we're classed as no more than something like acquaintances, wouldn't you, Emma?"

The words he chose to use kind of hurt, but Emma knew it was a good coverup and necessary, and when she looked into his eyes, she could see he hated having said it. 

"Something like that," Emma replied with a nod. 

"So weird," Daphne chuckled softly, taking a bite of her food. "It's just-- thinking about how close you two were at Hogwarts and seeing how things are now, it's kind of sad, you know? Just because everything's so different and we've all grown up and changed."

"Can't put off the inevitable," Elliot said as he cut into his steak. "Scary, but someday we're all just going to be dust in the earth."

Daphne stopped chewing and narrowed her eyes slightly. "That got dark real quick. Okay, topic change. Draco, I hear Astoria has been trying to get into contact with you."

Draco squirmed in his seat, looking uncomfortable. He had failed at trying to hide it, and squirmed even more when he noticed the three other adults staring his way. He met eyes with Emma the longest and shook his head, before looking back at Daphne. 

Someday ⚡ Draco Malfoy [4/4]Where stories live. Discover now