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This book is going to contain some mature and sensitive topics so please do not read if you are underage or uncomfortable with this.

TW: drugs, alcohol, homophobia, sex, and mental health will be mentioned.



- Non-binary name, Jay
- Age: 19
- Loves english especially poety.
- Shy, keeps to himself
-works at the local cafe shop
- Lives with Rose and looks after the local stray cat, who he named tomato

- Age: 20
- Plays basketball and games a lot
- Very popular, everyone knows him
- Works at the local Blockbusters
- Lives with D'Vonte


- Age: 20
- Only really speaks to his mates
- Overly clever, sort of a know it all
- Marcels best mate and keeps him in line
- Lives with Marcel

- Age: 19
- Relaxed, won't go out of her way to speak to new people but will if they approach her
- Known Jay for most of her life but doesn't talk with him when others are around

- Age: 18
- Pretty chill
- Always high or drunk, 'here for a good time not a long one'
- Lives with Ifra

- Age: 19
- Talks to everyone and anyone
- Loves to throw party's or planning gatherings
- Lives with Imogen

This story is based in a university, first year. It also will start off at the start of the year, in september.

Hope you enjoy reading, updates will be coming soon!

by anonymous <3

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