"What's that mean birdy?" He asks quietly.

"Thanks for the best birthday ever."

I felt Harry's cheeks form a smile on the top of my head, and he held my hand a little tighter. The strange thing is that I thought this was me at the pinnacle of happiness yet things just seem to get better. That happy mask I used to wear daily has been thrown in the trash and replaced with genuine happiness, a point in my life I never thought I'd reach.

Sure romance is no cure for depression, but one thing it is is a distraction. Once you grow addicted to that distraction it's difficult to think of anything else and all the cloudy thoughts become outnumbered by ones that always lead back to a certain somebody.

I've had bad days, and I'll continue to have bad days as love isn't a cure, it's a distraction. However through those bad days I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, there's a reason to stay and mine is Harry Styles.

"How'd you say you're welcome in french?" He asks me before gently kissing the top of my head.

"De rien." I tell him.

"De rien birdy" he says all proudly, followed by the cheesiest grin ever. "I'm gonna get I love you in french tattooed on me, how'd you say it again?"

"Je t'aime."

"That's it, right on my thigh I'm thinking." He smiles, "or maybe down my spine, above the bird tattoo I got."

"I think you're crazy." I chuckle, sipping the 'TV static' tasting liquid from the glass in my hand.

"All the best people are birdy."

Harry Styles

Harlow's drunk, and by drunk I mean telling every single person she talks to that they're beautiful, drinking vodka like it's water and on the verge of snapping her ankles with the amount of times she's gone over her ankle in those heels.

It's her birthday night though, she deserves it.

She kept forcing me to do shots with her, but she didn't realise I'd drink a glass of water between each one, because one of us needs to make sure we get home in one piece.

She's a funny drunk, although a very kind one. Sometimes alcohol is the best medicine for the truth and it really does show how big of a heart she has. At least a hundred people have been called beautiful by her tonight and that includes all the boys too. Liam was forced into FaceTiming Josie so she could tell her that they're a good couple.

As well as a kind drunk, she's also a clingy one, but clingy in the best way. I've never loved someone before and now that I love Harlow, all I want to do is touch her and be affectionate but I never know whether I'm being annoying or not. Harlow being unable to keep her hands off me when she's drunk definitely makes me feel like I'm not being completely annoying.

Now her club is closing and she's standing at the doors saying goodbye to everyone, and also telling them they're amazing whilst I stand back just admiring her good nature.

"You're so happy with her." Liam says, walking over to stand next to me in the now empty club belonging to Harlow. "I'm glad, you guys deserve each other and I've never seen you this happy."

"Yeah, I'm glad too." I sigh, "makes the fight on Sunday a whole lot harder though."

Liam stands in front of me and places a hand on my shoulder, I just know he's gonna give me one of those 'I understand' speeches of his. To a certain extent he does, he has Josie and he loves her too, but Josie isn't at risk of having the vultures do god knows what to her, Harlow is.

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