𝐶ℎ 6: To The Palace.

Start from the beginning

Has someone spread a rumour or even wrote a fanfiction about him that spread everywhere except the imperial palace? Its Possible... I mean, who knows?


Papua loudly pointed out his thoughts towards his older brother. The Younger siblings immediately covered his mouth in embarassement as some of his older female siblings giggle.

Time was slow, yet the scenery had already entered the Palace' gates and were on the road near to the First Palace, or more commonly known as the "Golden palace", serving as the Entrance hall to the property of the Emperor's palace.

Upon stopping at the entance of the Golden Palace, they were greeted by the servants of each palace they were assaigned in. They were soon escorted by the servants and some soldiers to the throne room...

• • • • • • •


"So, it is..."

A moment of silence... Asean looked down on his eldest children, His eyes sharply gliding down to their bowing heads, fully knowing that they have seemed to done something wrong.

Sitting on his throne, His face rested on his fist. Asean's demeanor spoke loudly than any word that can be come out with.

"I've read some reports concerning some of you..."

The 5 siblings swallowed their silavas, expecting the next announcement was their punishments. What can they do? They're the eldest children...

Unfair, Right?

"But, I'll let it be."

The 5 raised their heads in surprise, It was the first time their father bypassed their mistakes... Upon looking up they all saw their father's expression...

It was happy...

Their father was smiling, close to crying, with his arms raised to them.

"Come here, my children..."

The 5 looked at each other first, Their fierce stares going through each other in competition.

Cats and Dogs... Cats and Dogs... They became like Cats and Dogs, They pulled each other from becoming the first to hug their father, like children... Pulling each other's shirts and pants, just to not reach their father first...

Asean stood shocked and lonely... 

Why has his eldests still not mature yet?

"Enough, Enough!"

The Asian Monarch grabbed them one by one, like little children, and untangled them all from each other, going as far as hitting them in the head if required so...

"I expected the 5 of you had already matured, yet, What Am I seeing?! What the hell was the point of giving you those etiquette classes all those years ago?"

They all were on their knees, in one line. Their heads once again faced the floor...

"Your Majesty, Their imperial highnesses have arrived."

"Let them In!"

Asean shouted, magically holding a thin sword to his side, pointed to one of the eldest' head.

The Doors opened, very so slowly, and the tip of Asean's sword going around the top of the eldests heads. Suddenly, Asean slightly slashed one's hair by quickly raising the sword in the air.

"Ahh, My precious young ones! How have I missed you all."

"Father... Why are—"

"I do not understand what your are stating, but, tell me... How was your journey?"

Ahh Yes, Let's completely ignore the fact that Asean just accidentally cut one of his eldests hair with a sword and is now crying silently in the corner. All the while the monarch is happily lead his other children to a different drawing room to talk.

Media reporters, photographers and journalists kept giving and writing the public information as the doors open. Imperial officials talked and shook hands before one had stood on the stage to announce whatever it was...

The official with the mic, took a letter from inside his vest and opened it carefully, looking at the media personnel.

Clearing their throat, They spoke;

"On behalf of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Asean. We welcome each and every one to this annual celebration..."

The official nodded to the media personnel as a sign of greetings to them...

"To start with, We would like to inform the public that; Their Imperial Highnesses have returned from their services and studies within the Empire."

The crowd of personnel cheered upon this news. The public were only informed of such lie to calm them and let their voices be silent until it was safe to say that the emperor hid them far away from the capital.

"Unfortunately, We were informed that they would be not be attending public eye for a while until then."

The journalists were writing in a massive pace that even the official could tell their efforts...

"As such, The emperor has signed the decree... The Imperial Games are to proceed after years of delay."

This shocked even the other officals...

"With the newly constructed island that have which been designed by our excellent engineers and architects... We introduce to you... "

Then, A hologram appeared infront, showing a large island that had several, yet, one striking building in the center carrying everything inside.

"The Center Isle!"

Their eyes widened in shock and fascination...

Such a look for the Imperial games...

[ To Be Continued. ]

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