Emanet (Seher & Yaman): Lemon Cookies

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It was a cool rainy day in Istanbul, in the Krimli mansion, Yaman and Seher were both standing outside looking at Yusuf and Ziya who were working on the flowers. Ziya patted the wet soil softly, calmly murmuring at the flowers. Yusuf sat next to his uncle watching him attentively as he taught him how to appropriately treat the flowers.

"Yusuf, you must speak to them, you know, they hear us...they hear and they understand..." Ziya told him his eyes still glued to the flower in front of them.

Yaman looked over at his wife. Seher did not notice how attentively he was looking at her. Her eyes were fixated on Ziya and Yusuf. There was so much love in her gaze. It was a type of look that he was sure he would never find in anyone else.

All her life, she had been sheltered from the darkness.  Darkness was a story from those books she read. It almost did not exist to her. He on the other hand, had been exposed to it since he was Yusuf's age. It had gone with him and lived inside him for so long he had no idea how to get rid of it, until he met her.

They were so different, but so alike. Their love for Ziya and Yusuf drove them toward each other.

"Yaman," Ziya called. He looked over at his brother who was holding one of his usual innocent smiles.

"Yes, abi?"He asked, taking a step forward.

Ziya motioned for him to come closer. Yaman did as told. His brother took one of the flower pots that was sitting beside him and handed it to his younger brother. The flowers in the clay pot where a vibrant red. Almost as red as the shirt Ziya was wearing. Their scent was sweet almost like that of cotton candy. Ziya pointed over at Seher, who was still standing looking at them.

"This," he said, handing over the flower pot to his brother, "we should always give flowers to those we love..."

Yaman nodded, he looked over at his wife who was standing a few feet away. He knew what he had to do. He walked over to her. He couldn't help but feel flustered. He felt like a little boy, walking up to his first love to express his feelings. His palms began to sweat.

"uhm..." he cleared his throat, trying not to feel so nervous about being seen by Ziya and Yusuf.

Seher looked at him with those big green eyes of hers. Her gaze eventually fell on the flowers.

"This is for  you." He finally said, handing the flower pot to her.

Seher smiled. "Thank you." 

There was something about the way she spoke and smile that charmed him. He had no idea that he was no longer holding the pot because he was so enthralled. It took him a while before he realized that she was becoming flushed, most likely because he was staring so intently at her.

Seher looked over at the ground shyly. He looked over at Ziya and Yusuf who seemed to be busy with the flowers once again. He had no idea why he felt so nervous, there was no reason to hide it anymore or pretend that it was for Yusuf.

After taking a long breath of courage he walked closer to her and embraced her. Seher was caught off guard at first, but eventually relaxed.  Her scent drove him crazy. The warmth that radiated from her body was something that he had never actually thought he would ever need.

Seher was like air to him, the light that had driven away the darkness that he had been chained into after his mother left. She was that which he had never experienced, and never thought existed until he met her. All his life, he had bitterly cursed every women--nobody had been able to make him think that love existed. Good did not exist to Yaman Krimli. Until she appeared and challenged every little thing he had believed in. 

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