Chapter 1

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I slammed the door to my bathroom shut and let out the many deep breathes of anger and fear. My teeth were shut together, my mouth yet open. My knuckles white and visible due to me clenching my fists. I took a deep breath before I slammed all of my make up onto the bath tiles. I let out a few yells and growls, before ripping out make up removals, rubbing them against my face and neck. I looked around for my contact dispenser and found it in a matter of seconds. Getting out my brown contact lenses rather quickly, I finally look at my reflection in the mirror, gripping onto the sink.

I let out the few yells I had left, before tears started to form in my dead eyes. Sighing, I slammed the door open and heard my family mumble something from downstairs. Ignoring it, I walked into my room and closed the door rather loudly.

"Hearts were made to beat wildly in our chests" I mock the quote that was written in a fancy writing on my wall of my bedroom.

Groaning, I let myself fall onto the bed, head first. As soon as my face hits the pillow I let out a loud groan and yell, hitting the blanket furiously. I turn around so I face the ceiling and let out a long and desperate sigh.

My face as still covered in a few patches of make up, which contrasted a lot with my pale and dead skin.

I closed my eyes as the door opened to reveal my mum standing in the doorway.

"What" I ask emotionless.

"Are you all right dear?" She asks me, concern thick in her voice.

"Yes" I reply coldly.

"Do you want to eat something maybe?" She asks me again.

I opened my eyes and look confused at me.

"Yeah sure! I would really like something that will make me throw up later on, why not mum" I reply sarcastically.

"I'm sorry it's just that... I'm not used to you being ... being..." She started and I looked at her, waiting for her to finish.

"Come on, say it. Being a zombie, an..." I started moving my hands in front of her face weirdly "Undead" I finish, rolling my eyes as I pass her to go down into the living room.

As I walk past a mirror I take a quick glance at my features.

My once brown eyes were now white with a yellow hint to it. My skin was as pale as it could be, the vesicles showing through my thin skin. If I was bored, I would count them and start over and over again.

I shook my head and continued further down the stairs, my hand reaching up to the big and long scar that went over my left eye. If my heart was still beating, it would have stopped beating for a moment.

"Hey dad" I smiled, as I plopped down next to him on the couch.

I could feel him shift uncomfortably. Pulling up my eyebrows I get up and sigh heavily.

"Where are you going?" I could feel my dad looking at me sadly.

"Out" I reply flatly. Ignoring his attempts to keep me inside, I rushed upstairs and quickly put in my contact lenses and applied my makeup again.

After taking a jacket I walked out into the chill autumn air. However, I couldn't tell if it was chill or not. It was just weathery outside.

I felt the wind barely. I couldn't feel if it was warm or cold, I just felt the breeze. Running a hand through my hair I walk into the familiar building, not bothering with knocking on the doors or the like.

Immediately I made my way towards the only room that would help me feel comfortable again.

"May I?" I asked the only person I wanted to see right now.

The day we rose from our graves - In The Flesh SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now