thirty three

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As I am typing and writing, myself as a writer is going through something that will bring me back to the past. I believe that there are moments like this for everyone and I want to address something to you.

Life as we know it. We are a build up of memories. Souls that carry experiences. Humans that communicate with one another to see how ourselves coordinate with another. Life as we know is more than you think. We try so hard to develop our lives on how society shapes what "normal" is.

Don't be one of those people that are fixated. Your grades aren't who you are, it's your potential. Your looks don't shape what human being you are. Don't be prejudice against people on how they look. Bashing on people on who they are as a person is not going to make you feel better too.

You should natural. Be raw. Be human. Show grit to want to make people be themselves while also being yourself. Teach people to make people their own person.

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