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Walks in the place, hands on her waist
Gun on her thigh, big shooter game
She did this before, murdered to gain


"Harder," she said as we continued to fight.

"I'm not going to hit you harder, you're my friend," I exhaled.

"Well, you know who isn't your friend, the people threatening to get rid of people like you," she said as she flipped me over on my ass.

She's younger than me, but she's a badass, and it fucking hurt.

"Fucking hell, soph," I exclaimed as I struggled to sit up.

She reached out a hand for me to grab and pulled me onto my feet.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" she questioned.

" Okay good, you ready for some breakfast," she asked

" yeah as long as you don't try and kill me on the way there," I said


This is what my day consists of training with Sophia, then eating breakfast, and learning about my next mission. I suppose you might call me a CIA agent, but most people will call me an assassin. I dislike that word because it makes me feel dirty. Following my parents' deaths, I was sent to an all-girls academy to train as an undercover agent. That's where I met Sophia; everyone harassed her because she was the smallest member of the group. After being trained by m-13, the CIA recruited me to be a part of a newly formed division; I've been doing that for the past 8 years and have traveled around the world removing threats that come up

As of right now, I'm living in Washington, D.C. undercover, working on a project that links certain lawmakers to human trafficking and other related issues. I was doing a risky job, and every time I went anywhere, I had a target on my back. This job isn't for people who get sick easily; I've seen some fucked stuff, most of which I'll never forget. Sophia and I went to a restaurant not far from the CIA headquarters; I rarely go to the same place twice, but this was my favorite, and it didn't hurt that they had great iced coffee.

" you know it's not a good idea to go to the same place twice," she said as we sat down at a table

" you say this every time we come here and not to mention you were the one who wanted to get breakfast," I said reminding her

"I said that I don't remember," she said pretending to forget

There are rules that I was taught, while I was training

Rule number one - never go to the same place twice
Rule number two- always know your surroundings
Rule number three- never get attached
Rule number four-  trust no one
And rule number five- never leave a trace

If you follow these rules, you'll be okay but if not you'll end up in a very bad situation.

" you okay," Sophia asked as I looked around

" Yeah, I'm fine something just feels off," I said

I saw three black cars pull up on the other side of the street and four men get out of two of the cars. Something is about to happen this isn't good.

" Fal you seeing this too," Sophia said looking outside

" yeah we have to go this isn't safe," I said

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