Mary Had A Little Lamb

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(Eskel x Lambert)

Nights in Kaer Morhen are almost always the same. Very dark, very quiet. Witchers asleep in their dorms, young and not, some silent and some snoring. On occasion, the silence is disturbed by the wind howling outside (the weather in the mountains is harsh enough) and barely audible footsteps of sneaky younger witchers, searching for snacks or booze.

The young black-haired witcher tip-toeing up the stairs to the South Tower wasn't, however, seeking alcohol or tasty food. He crept quietly, afraid - no, he wasn't afraid, he just didn't want to get yelled at and told off by one of the teachers in front of the whole group. No one likes that shit, and he, the "problem child", experienced that about twice as many times as the other boys. He never agreed to obey that bunch of old fuckers anyway. They pulled him away from his mother, the person who cared for him and did everything for him, whom he loved more than anything, and that meant they will have to put up with him. No way he will listen or do what they want, until they get fed up and send him back home.

There was only one person in the castle to whom he listened and whom he trusted. And no, it wasn't one of the teachers, even though he could and did teach Lambert well.

A step. Another step. Soft leather of his shoes contacting the stone with barely-audible smacks which made Lambert cringe.

He was almost there.

Another step forward - fuck, it was dark - and his foot met nothing on its way. He fell forward with a cry and a loud THUD, his knee hitting the hard step, his other leg stuck in the stairs.

Fuck. Just fucking excellent.

Lambert bit his lip, holding back the tears and the curses, the pain in his knee almost unbearable. He struggled to get up as quickly as he could, he was fucking sure he woke someone up. Oh shit, soon Vesemir will be there and once again it will be "Shame on Lambert" and "Our Problem Boy". And possibly, a cane, if he woke up Beren or one of the worse teachers.

He got up, ignoring the pain in his knee (well, trying his best to do so) and rushed up. A hiding place, he needed somewhere to hide, now, soon...

A sound of a door opening upstairs. Thuds of bare feet hitting steps moving closer, closer. Lambert rushed back and forth, numb with fear - yes, it was fear now. He was going to get caught by two witchers at once. How fucking shitty could that be?

The bulky form from upstairs was already visible, and Lambert, in spite of how anxious he was, noticed that it was familiar.

"Run upstairs," a rough voice whispered. "I'll cover up."

It felt like a rock fell off Lambert's shoulder. He gave a quick nod and rushed up, huddling in a dark corner, the pain in his knee doubling and causing his eyes to water.

"What was that noise for? Who's.. Eskel?!"

"Sorry, uncle Vesemir. Forgot 'bout the loose step," Lambert heard Eskel say. He would be worried that Eskel would get in trouble, but then again, he quickly learned that Eskel was one of the most favoured by teachers.

"Oh, Eskel, Eskel... what do you have witcher vision for? But anyway, we've got to fix the step. Just try not to forget about it for now, will you?"

See, just like Lambert expected. If it was him, he would be in huge fucking trouble.

"Will do, uncle Vesemir."

Only when Vesemir's steps faded, Lambert dared to peek out of his corner.

"It's safe now," Eskel whispered. "Come out."

With caution, Lambert crawled out of his corner. "Thanks," he whispered, trying to stand up but falling back with a quiet sob of pain.

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