The Battle Begins

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After USS Iowa gotten reactivated or recommissioned, by a unknown organization, the US Navy sent out its newest DD, the Zumwalt. The first of its class, and was a missile destroyer. It was meant to be a stealth warship, but in this case, or in this crappy fan-fiction story, no. Its first taste of combat will be against a battleship that greatly served in WW2. The US Navy also wanted to see if the Zumwalt will be able to deal with huge threats.

October 28, 2016

-USS Iowa was spotted somewhere in the pacific ocean, by recon aircraft

November 11, 2016 

-USS Zumwalt found USS Iowa on radar 

- USS Zumwalt engages 

USS Zumwalt founded the USS Iowa,  8 klicks out. USS Zumwalt launched 2 missiles to the USS Iowa's location.

 - The USS Iowa has been hit in the engine compartment, causing it to slow down to 28 knots.

 - USS Iowa slows down to a halt

USS Zumwalt is told to try to retake USS Iowa, if can't then they must sink her.

USS Zumwalt moves into launching range

USS Zumwalt sends out a black hawk, with a 2 squads of 4, (lets just call them A and B) 

The black hawk lands with out any AA fire, and starts to unload the 2 squadrons. The SL (squadron leader) signals the black hawk to move back to the Zumwalt. Squadron A is supposed to take clear the deck, and the bridge, with squadron B is supposed to clear out the lower decks of the ship. 

12:00 pm, 20 minutes after drop off, Squadron A was able to wipe out everyone in the bridge with only 1 heavily injured. But in the lower decks, the organization was able patch up the hole, and was engaged by Squadron B, which was  able to wipe out the lower decks with ease, but then gotten flanked by 30 other terrorist, but were taken out, with some casualties, being 1 of them left remaining of the 4. 

3:45 pm, Both squadrons both report that USS Iowa was secured and were waiting for evac to come.  In the end, command was happy with the results, and were willing to produce more Zumwalt's for the US Navy. 


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