Chapter 1 - Forest

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(I will be doing thia in points of views six when we see what she is thinking and same for mono)

Mono woke up in in some kind of creepy forest near a TV,he cloudn't remember much only that he was being chased by a viewer and in an act of desperation he went throught a TV.
Mono pov:

Ugh . . . Where am i. He said as he rise up from the dirt he have been laying down.
Hmm... looks like some sort of forest,I should start movig i dont want to stay in one place too long.

He continued to walk forward util he came to a underground tunnel he struggled to opened a small metal door but he menaged to pull it bearly.

Mono left the tunnel only to see a bag with several human inside,
W..what is that.he's face twitch in disgust.
I.. i better hury up this place gives me creeps.

He continued walking until he saw something strange sticking out of the grass.

What is that, he said as he came closer, looks like some sort of rope tied up by two wooden planks.he looked up to see a big metal cage.
T..this is a trap someone is making traps to catch someone here.I better just jump across it.he jumped it with ease but at the same time questioned himself, what if there is more traps ... better be careful.

He then went through another underground tunnel.
Ugh..its so tight in here.he finally got out just as a big log started to fall behind him.He run as fast as he cloud and just bearly escaped because the log got stuck betwen two other trees.
Th..thank god for this trees or id be a pancake.he said exhausted

I wonder how much more until the end of this forest.he said as he climbed a small tree to continue his journy.

Hmm.. this is some kind of a puzzle i have a box i can't jump and a lever,lets pull it down.the box lowered down just enough for him to jump acros but just as he let go of the lever box started to go up again.he bearly jumpet high enough but succeed and went forward.

He then saw a broken down bridge that he have to go across.
I can't jump that i have to find another way maybe there is something near.ah perfect there is a smaller drop i cloud survive to fall.he then jumped down onto a small platform and then to the gound.
Ugh... that was a bit of a bigger fall then i imagine but im fine.Now just to cl...climbe this bridge.hope it doesn't colapse even more.

Huh..that was harder then i though'come on mono this is not time for rest let's get out of this awful forest and rest then.He was so lost in the thoughts that he didn't see a fall so he fell in a pit with leavs and a few shoes.
Ugh... i need to keep watching where im going if here were a trap i would be dead.just as he said thah he saw a trap hiden in the leaves.
Oh i got an idea ill just trow this shoe in there and it will activate the trap.he have done it and continued ahead.

Thats where he saw a lot of bear traps everywhere,
Wow here sure are a lot of traps i need to be super carefull.for who are those traps for anyway i didn't see any creature in this damn forest so far,maybe there are other childern here too,i hope so im so alone i wouldn't mind company.

He than saw a bear trap right where he had to go.
I can use this stick to active it.
He said as he smacked bear trap with a stick and i choped it in two.

He then slide down a hole in a tree and saw a big place with alot of leaves wich he had a feeling was full of bear traps waiting for him to make a wrong step.
So he picked up another stick and started to attack the ground until he hit a bear trap which activated a few other near clearing the path for him.
He than saw a similar scenario but this time he trowed a cone at the ground which now looked more like a minefield.just as a cone hit the ground about ten of the traps acrivated themself and cleared monos path to continue forward.

Mono continued until he saw something in the distance it was a house.

Looks like some sort of a shaft or a cabine i hope there is no one inside.Mono went closer until a thought come to his mind'
what if some sort of hunter set those traps and this is his house and im about to walk right into it,this is not a good idea but i have no choice, maybe there is some other kids inside that he did menage to capture, if that is the case i need to help them.
He said as he watched the house in fear and determination.

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Guess its over for the firs chapter please tell me of all the mistakes i made and if you have some ideas for the next chapters.All feedbacks are welcome because as i said this is literaly my first ever fanfic.also tell me if you liked it abd want me to continue

Good day to you all and bay :)

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