Never expecting

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The man in front of you is adri. He's offering you a life, a life without worry.

A life including flowers and beauty; happiness and smiles, safety and security.

"Take it little girl, I'll give you all the things nobody else could've ever given you. I promise you'll be safe and live a life of never-ending happiness, and all you have to do is take it. Come on, take my hand."

In that moment you felt secure, and ignoring your instincts to run, you took his hand. All of his promises, floating away along with the sweet aura he carried. The hand was no longer gentle and soft, no longer as promising as it was before. Instead it was covered in blood and worry, an entire lifetime of torture and fading screaming, painful faces and memories, rough skin and bones covered in dull, dark red blood.

You gave adri your life.

But, the man was no longer adri, he was a man with no care, and an evil smile quivering over his lips.

That man had no good intention, that man is going to ruin that little girls lifetime.

Beware of the man, who wears a sweet smile, but offers the impossible.

2016,; NO GOOD DEED. Never trust the dead.

Jennie Kim, a spoiled rich child with no intentions of good, no intentions of doing anything on her own.

She was a little brat, to say the least.

She had come upon an abandoned library, and seeking for some fun she decided it would be interesting to search it and see if she could find ghosts.

Ridiculous, right? Those don't exist.

But in jennies childish/brat like mind state, they were very much real.

As she stepped onto the first step, covered in dirt and fury, she almost had a panic attack by the obnoxious sound of her phone suddenly ringing.

Maybe it was just because of how scared she actually was to entire the abandoned building, that the phone brought her out of that trance and into annoyance.

"What?!" The tiny brunette yelled in fury as her right foot was left resting onto the first step of doom.

A small chuckle came from the other end of the line, bringing jennie into more anger as she realized who it was, her boyfriend. Why would her boyfriend upset her so much? Because she hated him, she didn't want to be with him.

But that's the downside of being rich.

Fucking parents who force you to be with whomever they want you to be with.

Jennie was lesbian, straight lesbian. No doubt about it. Boobies, titties, pussy, hell yeah. Dicks, abs, ew, kill yourself.

After the chuckle Kai had brought on for way longer than he should've, he finally responded, "where are you? Your dad is going to be on my ass if you don't tell me". Jennie sighed in frustration, running her hand through her hair, "tell him I'm just taking a walk to clear my mind. Oh, and don't forget to call him aristocracy." She said sarcastically before hastily ending the call, removing his contact from her phone screen.

She placed her phone into her back pocket as she finished the small walk up the steps and tried to open the library door, but not surprisingly it didn't budge. She took a step back before sprinting forwards and kicking the door open, the dust taking over all the fresh air around her and making her cough violently.

Shaking her hand in the air trying to wave the dust away as her eyes were sealed shut, finally the dust disappearing into thin air, no longer smelling it her coughing disappeared as well.

CEASELESS TORTURE | Jenlisa AU حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن