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you were actually the first person i ever spent valentine's day with, not as friends or family, but as a couple. i'm glad that we made so many memories that day, even if we'd still fight over that if we saw each other now, but i wouldn't mind.

it was a cold, bleary wednesday, and if it weren't for the date it'd have been just another boring, unnoticeable day, but there we were, walking downtown and past the antique store, holding hands.

we joked that when we were older we'd look back on that day and laugh about how young and naïve we were, eating ice cream when it was snowing and arguing whether we should get an extra scoop of chocolate or not.

what i'd do to have those days back.

"Me too.". Jungkook whispers, barely noticing that he said that out loud. What he'd do to go back to those days, carelessly kissing, hugs from behind, Jimin and him sharing a coat when he forgot his, snapping pictures of his boyfriend in the snow, freezing their hands off on their walks.

- Flashback -

Jungkook pushed the door to one of the cafés open, arm around Jimin, pushing him in gently. He went there a lot, mainly because it's just a cute, quaint shop that sells ice cream in summer and coffee and pastries in winter, with good prices and a somewhat decent location.

"What do you want to get?". Jimin asked, taking out his wallet.

"I kind of crave chocolate, actually.".

"A hot chocolate?".

"No, like, chocolate ice cream.".

"Are you crazy?". Jimin asked. "It's freezing outside, you're not getting ice cream.".

"Come on, we can get a couple discount. I'll get you some coffee, too.".

"What's the point of ice cream if you're gonna get coffee, then?".

"Uh, because ice cream is life. Duh.".

Jimin rolled his eyes, swatting Jungkook's arm but didn't complain as he pulled him to the front of the store.

"What flavour do you want?".


"We can get three for the price of two if we get it in one cone, so choose another.".

"Uh, mango.".

"Great, strawberry, mango and chocolate, then?".

Jimin groaned.

"Not chocolate, get another fruit one or else it's gonna taste weird together.".

"Excuse you, Mr. Park, chocolate is superior. Replace mango, then.".

"Uh, no? Chocolate is basic.".

"Says you who gets strawberry.".

Jimin gasped dramatically.

"Strawberry is the best, hands-down. Don't even try with your chocolate, peasant.".

"Chocolate supremacy. I don't take corrections.".

"Chocolate is the Ed Sheeran of ice creams, uncultured swine.".

"Strawberry is the Justin Bieber of ice creams, then.".

"I won't accept this strawberry slander. We're breaking up.".

Jungkook laughed, grabbing Jimin by his waist and pulled him back.

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