"Wait don't go near him!" Kaachan yells, but it's too late. He jumps up and bites Mrs. Suzenji, who starts eating Koda and Sato, and manages to bite Shoji. I grab 2 brooms nearby and hand one of them to Kaachan. We use our training and I break open Shoji's head open while mid seizure, and send the broom into the back of Sato's head. Kaachan already cracked Koda's head and was now trying not to be eaten by Mrs. Suzenji. I slam the broom over head so hard that it snaps and she collapses. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and start shaking. Kaachan pulls me into a hug. I can feel their eyes on me. Mr. Yagi just barely got me into this school with my record. Kaachan barely managed to get away clean.

"What the hell was that?" Aizawa asks. I start hyperventilating. Kaachan whispers sweet nothings into my ear and plays with my hair to try and calm me down, which works a little. "We were the only ones that survived and encounter with a Biter when our parents were turned into them, so you didn't know that when they go from human to Biter, they have a seizure like thing that evidently kills them and revives them as one," Kaachan says. We were top of our class, and presumed rivals by our friends due to us always switching at the top spot. We are actually married. Other than being underage, it was all legally done.

"Okay then," Aizawa says, regaining his composure. "Who here has a high blood and death tolerance so we can clean this up?" Kaachan and I hold our hands up. Kirishima and Kaminari raise their hands as well. Mr. Yagi, Mei, and Monoma step forward from the back and raise their hands. "Then let's get this cleaned up and throw the bodies outside. And now we at least know their heads are a weak spot." We grab some more, not destroyed, cleaning supplies and throw the bodies out and mop the floor. Once we're finished, we all go into the kitchen where glasses of water await us.

"Here. We need to drink the tap water so we don't get turned into one of those things if they bite you," Uraraka says, handing us all cups of water. I shakily take a sip and put the cup down. Kaachan sits next me and grabs my hand. After several moments of silence, Yamada speakers up. "How can we defend ourselves against these things? We don't have any weapons here!" he exclaims, hugging his children close. He adopted Eri and Kota, along with his husband, Mr. Aizawa.

"We have weapons. Don't ask from where or how or why. We just do," I say. We had made a copy of Aizawa's keys and filled all of the spare rooms on our floor with weapons, since there was no room for them in our own. "Also, don't fucking ask how we did that shit before. We WILL NOT TELL YOU, so don't waste your fucking breath," Kaachan says, pulling us close.

"We need to know who can contribute what skills to our group, and who to stick where. We're now taking control. This is no longer a school classroom, so, sorry Aizawa, but you can't do much," I tell him, trying to sound confident as I shake violently. "You all now are apart of Operation: Safe Zone. We're gonna fucking get all of you shits to a safe zone, whether it's one the government made, or one we make ourselves," Kaachan tells them. "Now who can do what? What the hell are your special skills and I need your names cause I forgot most of them. Start with teachers, adults, and 3rd years."

"Hi I'm Toshinori Yagi, and I know how to shoot a gun," Toshinori states. "Hi, I'm Nemuri Kayama-Yagi and I don't think I have any useful skills except childcare," Nemuri says. "I'm Ayano Suzenji and I am knowledgeable on every field of medical expertise," Ayano says.

"I'm Shota Aizawa and I perform well in hand-to-hand combat, can shoot a gun, and can skin meat," Shota says. "I'm Hizashi Yamada Aizawa, and I specialize in childcare as well," Hizashi states. "I'm Eri, and I don't think I can do anything like that," Eri says. "I'm Kota and can use a rifle," Kota replies, crossing his arms. Kaachan smirks at him.

"I'm Mirio Togata and I know how to hunt, set traps, and fire a rifle," Mirio responds. "I'm Nejire Hado and I am good in hand-to-hand combat," Nejire says, much too happily for the apocalypse. "And I'm Tamaki Amajiki. I can cook, and I know how to skin meat and prepare it, and farm," Tamaki replies. Kaachan nods saying, "Good. Now the first years."

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