Chapter Five

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The next morning Lauren seemed to have no relocation of the previous night. She was suffering from an awful hangover, which had a very negative impact on her mood, and much to Joey's surprise, she only really wanted to stay shut in her room for most of the day. Joey didn't want to push her to come out in case he upset her and therefore he spent most of the day grocery shopping, and constantly thinking about what Lauren had said and done whilst she was drunk last night.

Eventually, at around 6pm that night, she silently emerged from her room. Joey, sat watching the Tv, didn't even notice she had arrived until he felt her little hand on his shoulder, which startled him a little. She looked much more alive and happy than she had earlier on in the day, however you could tell from her slightly worried expression that there was something wrong.
"What's wrong Lo?" Joey asked reassuringly. She didn't answer and Joey could see her face breaking down feature by feature, until she let out a small sob and threw herself into Joey's arms, now properly crying. Joey cradled her in his arms as she let out the whole days worth of emotion. He waited till she had calmed down a little before asking her again. "Lauren what's wrong?" He asked her quietly. Lauren shook her head trying to repress her sobs.
"Lolo, I want to help, but I can't if you won't tell me what's wrong." He told her calmly. Eventually after a few sobs Lauren whispered quietly,
"I can't tell you." She buried her face deeper into Joeys chest. Joey sighed but didn't push her for an answer, just held her while she sobbed. After a while, she calmed down and she looked up at Joeys face.
"I'm sorry for shutting you out today." She whispered. Joey looked at her kindly.
"It's okay Lo. I went shopping and bought lots of chocolate for you." He said smiling at her. Lauren let out a small little giggle as she smiled a weak smile back at him. He held her like that until she was asleep on his shoulder.

Somehow, although Joey didn't remember ever falling asleep, he woke up, still on the couch with Lauren asleep beside him, and the Tv still playing away in the background. Joey sat up slightly and looked down at Lauren who was thankfully still sound asleep. He carefully moved her so she was fully lying on the sofa. She murmured slightly as he moved her. And Joey swore he definitely heard her say one word. "Darren"

Joey paused, looking down at Lauren on the sofa, his heart shattering. Then it hit him. She was so drunk last night, she probably thought he was Darren. She had probably thought she was kissing Darren. Darren. She loved Darren. Joey hit himself. No wonder she wanted to be alone. He'd probably been too obvious. What if she'd remembered last night and now felt very awkward about it? The many possibilities raced through Joey's head as he angrily paced the living room.

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