Chapter 8

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A knock on his door cut the train of his thoughts. He went back to signing the documents in front of him.

"Come in." He did not lift his eyes from the documents.

"Prez, it's time for your four o'clock appointment." Jongdae declared as he entered his room clutching some files on his arm.

Kyungsoo sighed as he stopped what he was doing and leaned back on his chair.

"They are already waiting at the Conference Room 2. Do you still want me to get Atty. Cho during the signing?" he asked still standing by the doorway.

"No need since he already reviewed the contract for this one beforehand. I just need to sign those papers, it's already been finalized and of course meeting the company's head for formality. You go ahead first whilst I freshen myself up for a few minutes. I'll be right over." Kyungsoo said.

Jongdae nodded and exited the door without saying anything. He noticed his boss was again on his not-so-enthusiastic mood whilst proceeding to the conference room, wondering what have happened to him again.

Kyungsoo breathed heavily as he closed his eyes when Jongdae left. He almost completely forgotten about this important contract signing with the new advertising agency whose going to handle the PR of all the sub-companies of Do MultiCorp. From their hotels, resorts and golf courses scattered around the country to the telecommunications, land development and realty, mining and jewellery crafting and other businesses under the corporate reigns, media will be handled by the said agency.

This is how his mysterious woman greatly affected him. He is not slacking of his work but he doesn't have the energy to do more. He could have asked Baekhyun or Jongin to represent him, even better their corporate's legal advisers, but it will be his first.

Kyungsoo always made sure to be present with every contract signing to personally meet the executives for assessment and make sure nothing will go wrong at the last minute. He will not be called shrewd in his era for nothing without that attitude.

With that in mind, he stood up and donned his suit as he exited his massive office.

-At the Conference Room-

Eunmi was reviewing the documents in front of her whilst sipping the coffee provided by the receptionist. His boss, Mr. Kim Jaehyuk, was busy talking to Jongdae, Mr. Do's executive assistant and also her boss' nephew, who happened to be her close friend as well.

She cannot help but smile when she remembered her boss told her about entering a partnership with Do MultiCorp. This is like an ultimate dream for Mr. Kim, whom she knew established the agency from scratch. Aside from this merger, they will still keep their other accounts, magazines and newspaper intact in addition to handling exclusive media representation, commercials, press releases, monthly and online publications, among others for the corporation.

However, this meant she will be getting busier than ever as Bo Tang Ad Agency expanded. Not that she do not mind with what compensation increase she sure is going to get soon, yet she could foretell her parents' reaction not to mention her bestfriends' say, about this matter. They are really pushing her to lay low on her job and start focusing on finding her future husband. Actually her mother is constantly sending her for blind dates but often this is forgotten or ditched.

She chuckled at the thought. She knows she is at the peak of her career, happy, contented and her prince charming is just around somewhere carefully treading his way to her. Eunmi is surely positive of this thought.

Speaking of which, she remembered Hemi's wedding invitation. It amazes her that Mr. Do Kyungsoo is Jongin's bestman, her partner for the entourage. How will he feel if he learned that she is the Maid of Honour? She will surely inform him once the signing is over.

Today's appointment will be her last schedule unless his boss and Mr. Do will decide to dine out afterwards before the official merger party, which is a few days after the wedding. She was hoping against the case since later would be Hemi and Jongin's dinner for all the bridesmaids and groom men to formally meet before the wedding. Mr. Kim knows about this dinner meet she needs to attend so she will not be able to join them in case they have decided to go for a meal out after the contract signing. Jongdae will also attend the dinner meet later.

Eversince she saw him at the hotel and read Kyungsoo's name from the invitation, she cannot control her excitement of being paired with him. She is not sure if a crush developed for the man since she had known the guy for some years now, though she felt nothing with those previous engagements. Perhaps because they do not have direct encounters with each other.

Well, she is always seeing him in every high-profile business functions or parties she's attending with her boss but not really paid attention to him. Probably Mr. Do does not even know she also existed. It is always Mr. Kim, together with their legal reps, who made contact during the bidding process and did the presentations when the company won, particularly for this partnership. She was handling their other accounts during those days.

Her mobile phone vibrated against her pocket cutting her thoughts away. Seeing that it was their operations manager, she excused herself from her boss and Jongdae.

As she opened the exit door on the opposite side of the conference room, Kyungsoo entered the room on the other side.
©️Ynnatbeel 24/04/2021

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