Interview with DebotriMukherjee

Start from the beginning

>(6) What was your favorite book as a child?

--Honestly, when I was a child I don't use to read books.

>(7) What is the best compliment you have received for your writing?

--My one friend in Wattpad literally sent me a gift to house complimenting my writing.

>(8) What was the toughest criticism you received on your works? 

--I haven't received any toughest criticism so far.

>(9) Do you have a day job when you are not writing? If so, what do you do?

--I don't have any day job.

>(10) Do you write 'with a plot' or 'whatever comes to mind'?

--I write with a plot.

>Oh great! With that, the rapid-fire is over, let's come back to the actual interview😊

--Yeah! Sure.

>So, For how long have you been writing

--Apart from Wattpad I am writing for about a year now but in Wattpad for just a few months.

>Oh I see, So do your parents/family members know that you write on Wattpad

If yes, what do they think about you as a writer

--No! They don't know about my writing. I just don't want them to.

>That's understandable! Anyways, while writing, do you face 'writer's blocks'?

If yes, how do you handle them?

--Yes! I do face writer block. I just watch and listen to BTS ( a K-pop boy band) and I feel peace and it gives me the motivation to overcome it and I start to write again.

>Music is quite a stress-reliever, Is'nt it? 🙃

--It is...Music is love.

>Indeed! So, What do you like to do when you're not writing? (other than listening to music

--I read books on Wattpad.

>Oh, I see. By the way, How was the response to the book when you first published it and how did it feel?

--The response was fine. I was overwhelming.

>That must have been a great feeling for a new writer, right?

--Yes! It was a great feeling for me...

>So, among your readers,  Who was the most supportive person when you were writing?

--Everyone was and is very supportive so I can't choose a particular reader.

>Which is the hardest character and which scene was the most difficult to write?

--In my book 'Nafrat Aur Pyaar Ka Khel' the flashback part was and is quite difficult for me to write...And character-wise I think Manik's Character.

>Ohh... Dark past, I assume? 


> Knew it! Anyways, while writing, did you ever feel discouraged

--Yes! I do feel discouraged sometimes.

>How do you cope with it

--I re-read my book and honestly it helps a lot.

>Oh! the first time of hearing of something like this!

--Yeah! It's just helpful to me.

>Ok, so, do you feel like you're going to write another book?

--Yeah! I am going to write another one which is in the draft already.

>Oh great! All the best


>Now, bringing this to an end, what are 3 things you would tell a new writer?

--1) Write as much as possible.

2) don't let others discourage you.

3) Write good content.

>Noted with thanks! 

With this, our interview comes to an end. I hope you had a good time!

Please Review: Your opinion about this interview

--I had so much fun doing this interview. This interview was just amazing. Thank you! 

> I'm glad! I had a great time too, All the best for your future, and have a good day-night/day!

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