Battle of Trost

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Trost District

With the walls to the district of Trost having been destroyed by the Colossal titan, dozens of other titans had began pouring in already.
Due to the sudden nature of the attack, the local garrison had been inadequate in fully neutralizing them, with a large portion of them being new recruits, having had barely any experience in actual combat against titans.

Instead, they were focusing on evacuating the local civilian populace and holding the titans off.

Yet little did they know, a massive surprise was coming, in the form of an armed intervention by an expedition coming from an advanced interstellar civilization of the same race.

Armin's squad had just been devoured, except for Armin himself.
While Conny was trying to talk sense into him, giant explosions suddenly rung out over Trost, causing massive shockwaves across the district, shaking the area and nearly deafening those who were too close to the designated airstrike locations.

As Impes fighters screeched above the district at Mach 5 speed, with a terrifying roar as they flew at five times the speed of sound, they would be immediately followed by the distinct hovering sound made by the Talon dropships, as they began to d...

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As Impes fighters screeched above the district at Mach 5 speed, with a terrifying roar as they flew at five times the speed of sound, they would be immediately followed by the distinct hovering sound made by the Talon dropships, as they began to deploy the 598th Specialized Combat Aerial Reconnaissance Company, along with the 892nd Specialized Infantry Battalion across Trost to aid the local garrison in their fight against the titans.

Were the local troops and civilians very confused and horrified?
Yes, very much so.

With the appearance of the Colossal Titan and the pouring of other titans into the district, they were already on edge and extremely nervous and scared, and now, massive explosions had rung out over Trost, causing strong shockwaves that could be felt all over.
But who would guess that those same explosions had blown up nearly 2 dozen titans to bits, with an assortment of body parts having been yeeted into the air and quickly disintegrating.

If your bombs aren't fully accurate enough to specifically target the nape of a giant naked human, then use bigger bombs to just disintegrate them entirely.

But that confusion and horror would be added to when the Impes fighters screeched across the district at Mach 5, shattering windows with a deafening roar, and Talon dropships began to deploy the 598th SCAR Company and 892nd Special Infantry Battalion, with their soldiers in their standard metal exosuits, along with their combat bots.

In their eyes, however, what had just happened was massive explosions had just shook Trost, followed by a deafening screech that came from nowhere since the Impes fighters were way too fast, and flying objects dropping men made of metal.


As their metal boots met the various roofs of the houses in Trost, having been deemed as the most safest landing points in the district due to the inevitable fact that the nape of the titans would be extremely hard to target if they were on the streets below, Briggs and his squadron, along with the other SCAR squadrons led by Lieutenants Singh, Adovar, and Fontes began to follow the plan laid out by Colonel Halber Whedon, the main commanding officer for all ground troops participating in Trost.

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