Ash looked in the direction in which Misty left.

"Never mind. All of you, I hope you will give Ash good treatment this whole year. Assembly dismissed." Mr. Wilson announced. Like that everybody left the Main hall.

(Ash's POV)

I went out of the hall. The principal had given me my schedule there itself. I want to see Gary, and of course...Misty.

"Hey, Ash!" A voice called from behind. I know whose it is.

"Gaaaarrryyyyyy!!!" I said as I ran to him. We hugged each other.

"How are you, man?" He asked, pulling back.

"I am good. What about you?"

"Me too, I am fine."

Some people were standing behind him. I looked at them. One of them was Serena.

"Hey, Ash. Nice to meet you again." She said.

"Good to see you too, Serena."

"So Gary..who are they?" I asked.

"Oh..these are my friends." He started introducing by pointing at each one of them at a time.

  "This is Drew." 

"Nice to meet ya!" Drew said.

"This is May."

"Hello." May said.

"This is Dawn."

"Hi." Dawn said.

"This is Paul."

"Hey." Paul said, not even looking at me.

"This is Leaf."

"Hi. Nice to meet you." She said.

"And this is Ursula."

"Good to see you." She said.

I glanced over to my right. I saw a guy, leaned by the wall, not even bothering anything that's going on.

"Who's that?" I asked, looking at that guy.

"Oh, him? He's Red. He's the second-ranked in the whole school, after Misty. His score is 499/500." Gary said. As Gary finished, Red left, again..not even looking at us. 

Hmm..he's rude.


"Also, he's as cold as Misty."

Oh, that's why...wait what?

"What?" I asked looking at him when I saw Misty...coming over to us.

She didn't even see me and looked at Gary.

"Here's your book." She said in a very cold tone, handing him a book.

"Oh, thanks. Where was it?" Gary asked.

"On my table."

"Ohk. Thanks again!" Misty just nodded and started to leave.

"Misty wait." I said. She turned back.

"How are you?" I asked.

She looked at me and blinked twice.

"Who are you?" She asked, and everybody fell in anime style.

"Misty I-" I was cut off by Gary grabbing my wrist and dragging me somewhere. Misty watched me as I was dragged out of here.

"Gary, what are you doing?" I asked, looking at him.

"I need to tell you something." He said.

We walked outside. He left my wrist and told me to sit down.

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