Chapter 7

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George fell asleep and awoke to someone at the edge of his bed.


"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I'm Niki by the way"

"Oh, it's okay, hi Niki I'm George, but I'm pretty sure you knew that already"

"Yes I did but it's nice to meet you, I'm going to tend to your wounds now if that's alright with you."

"Of course."

Niki walked over and grabbed disinfectant and a needle and string (idk what they use for stitches even though I've got stitches multiple times idk what they use lol).

"This might sting a bit."

George flinched at the stinging pain on his leg.

"So you and Dream huh"

"What? Oh, it's nothing really, I mean I think so. I don't know."

Niki blushed and said "Mhmmm"

"Okay, whatever," George said sarcastically

"Okay, I moving on to the next cut."




"I-it's fine"

Niki then disinfected any other wounds and stitched them up. Niki and George had small talk than for a while after she finished they continued talking. After not too long Dream walked into the room, George internally getting excited.


"Hey George, how are you doing?"


"He's improved a lot over what I've seen."


"But George, I got you into this and I-I don't think you should be here, with me anymore, this is my fault that you are like this and you can go back to your life before this, tell the cops, and forget about everything, and me."


"I'm sorry that this happened to you it's all my fault-"

"Dream. I want to stay."


"I want to stay, I don't want to go back to my boring life, I had no friends, every day was the same, same routine, but now I get to do more and be with actual people."


"Yes, of course!"

Dream went and hugged George as tightly as he could without hurting him. They kept in that position for a while until Niki came back.

"Okay, I'm back"

"Hi, Niki!"

"What are you two up to?"

"Hugging," George said proudly

Wilbur then walked in to see George find he was looking okay then he looked towards Niki.

"Hey, Niki!"

"Oh, hi Wilbur"

"I see George is doing better"

"Yep he's a lot better"

"Good"  "But you alright you seem shakey"

"No I'm fine," she said smiling shaking it off

"Alright then"   "Dream don't we have a meeting"

"Oh, umm yeah I forgot"

"Seriously," George said

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