"As for teleportation...I'm not comfortable telling you certain details. You will use this knowledge to enslave me to you. You have no right to do that to me!" she screeched at him like angry bird.

"My dear, you cannot flee me. I will hunt you down and bring you back every time. At least Hellsing will protect you. The Vatican has a branch would either kill you outright or enslaved to do globe of daylight. Iscariot gets you and then I will kill you," Vlad yawned.

"I will call the embassy and get your precious Hellsing shut down! You see I'm tribal and a ward of the United States. You are kidnapping a 'child' of America, a minority on a scholarship to a prestigious English college," Angel had just played her final card.

Angel moved as fast as she could and seized his guns. She unloaded all the rounds into both his head and chest. The body was a quivering mass of blood and chunks of flesh but a deep wicked laugh could be heard. No Life King just revealed how hard he was to terminate permanently. The woman just stood and closed her eyes with the pistols hanging from her fingers. Angel figured he would kill her now or at least hoped, instead of being a vampire slave.

Vlad regenerated his body completely to then seized Angel. The vampire spun and sat down in, the large armchair. She didn't resist him and landed in his lap. The guns were no longer in her hands. His hands held her tightly so as not to escape.

"You will change to your Morpheus right now."

"No, you don't control me!"

You will show me..." Vlad said coldly.

"I won't!" Angel yelled.

"Don't be difficult!" Vlad growled.

"Be realistic! I can't!"

"You will change. It's for your own good," Vlad squeezed her upper arms tightly.

"I will hit my head on the ceiling!"

"What?" the vampire tilted his head." How tall do get in that form?"

" Seven foot and six inches...is all."

"Fuck! I see your point! I will ask more questions, of you but take your shower and eat. You must be hungry," No Life King said.

Early Christmas was back on the calendar.

The young woman sighed then walked to the shower, her head hung down. Her life was over in her mind. Angel adjusted the water to a hot shower and got in. She just stood under the shower faucet, to just let the water poured onto her sweaty body. The young woman was pleased, at least, Vlad couldn't read her mind as she was trying to decide a way to elude the Shadow King.

Angel let a long sigh out and shook her head. Why had she thought Alucard's Vlad persona so appealing?

Her eyes closed, she always liked tall men with black hair and partial growth of facial hair. The woman cursed in her head; genetics betrayed her. He had also been a warrior too.

A pale, slender fingered hand reached into the shower and stroked her cheek. "I don't need to read your mind, to see you are having a battle of concepts pertaining to your mind, heart and soul."

"Please stop touching me..."

"But why? I can make you happy. I remember your smile and lighthearted laugh, in the park, when I chased you. Listen to your heart..."

"No, I have no experience with love, so I don't trust my heart. Besides you have 'toyed' with it. Your blindfold is gone, and a slave collar replaces it."

Angel turned and pulled the curtains open. " No, I am Haida and granddaughter of a tribal holy man. You are an unclean spirit that refuses to rest. Begone, don't bother me anymore..."

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