next day (20)

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Angel woke to Alucard in his Vlad persona. He was wearing a dark pinstriped suit. His long black hair was loose and hanging down around his face. His eyes were back to blue to pull off looking human. He had spent the night in the chair. The man was absolutely gorgeous in appearance. He radiated calmness but Angel couldn't detect it in her current state.

The nightbane was sweaty and her hair soaked. Angel had a continual looping of Alucard torturing, raping and finally shooting her between the eyes. The sound of his gun hammer cocking to fire rang in her ears.

"Morning my seem to have been dreaming about what?"

Angel shook her head. Her nightmare sat in a chair and asked how she had slept. "You don't have to read my mind to know I was having nightmares and logic would answer what the topic was based on."

"Me, which is funny considering your other form. Normal humans scream and flee in horror. What do you call it?" He stood up and walked up next to her. She cringed.

Angel signed "Morpheus".

The young woman rose from the bed and planned to take a shower. She set a matched set of underwear and bra in a dark green color. The v-neck dark green shirt with black pants. Her old standby black docs. Vlad stepped into her path and placed a hand under her chin and held it so her eyes couldn't look away.

"So, your human aspect has a name too?" Alucard was now onto questioning.

"Facade..." Angel said in a monotone voice.

"By the very definition of facade, looking human is fake and Morpheus your true form?"

"Yes, most likely but no real experts for our kind," Angel replied, trying to pull her head free. "May I take a shower, dress and eat breakfast before you shoot me between the eyes?"

"Why would I shoot you? Have you lied so far on these questions?" Vlad licked his lips. "Was that what your dream was about? Me killing you cold and easily, without much thought?"

"Nightmare you mean but yes, after...the torture and forcing yourself on me."

"Torture perhaps, I would never force you, but I can guarantee rough sex. Kill you? Why would I remotely want to do, that to a beloved pet? And you will be my pet...What can vampires do to Nightbane?" Vlad said with a smirk. That smirk was about to turn to a frown.

"Your mind abilities don't work, and you can't slow kill me to turn me to anything, ghoul or vampire. I am vampire transformation and mind game proof. Hence probably not human...Morpheus...Nightbane."

"Hmm, vampires, I included, would want you as pets," Vlad stated matter of factly. "I, the vampire king, have never encountered your kind."

"Yes, hence my quickly accepting you were a vampire. We don't really know how many and hide from all, human and vampire. You are my first encounter. Slavery is what your kind offers, done deal, not interested."

"My dear, you are interested in me but won't admit it, as for your Morpheus, that form has some intriguing abilities. What do you call the blood drowning?"

The blood ability gave him a hard on like a teenage boy.

"You have shroud and teleportation too. How far is the teleportation?" Vlad had an excited expression as if Christmas had come early.

" first time using it. My blood continues to flow into the person or animal until the lungs are full. The result is drowning. A nightbane must have stigmata to even perform the power," Angel refused to look him in the eyes.

She jerked her head back and free. He just found out how strong she was. She was supernatural in strength. The morning was turning out, to be quite exciting, for a bored Vampire king.

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