mystery men (4)

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  "Afternoon Frank!  I will be in my apartment working on some assignments, dealing with civil law...small claims to be exact.  Call me if you need some help!" Angel said with a warm smile.

"Angel, what has you in such a good mood?" Frank said with his right eyebrow raised.

"It's nothing really, a young man had attempted to commit suicide and I was able to talk him down and able to administer first aid, until the paramedics took over..." she smiled again but her cheeks felt like they were burning up .  "I also met another youngish man, who handed me my book bag, after all the going ons."

"Does this youngish man have a real name?" Frank inquired with raised eyebrows.

Angel giggled "Vladimir Dragos from Romania...he lives here in London most of the time."

Frank scowled unapproving,"And?"

"I saw him once before, at Ava's vintage store but we didn't really talk but me apologizing, for bumping into him.."  her smile turned to a frown.  "Is something wrong?  Did I do something wrong?"

"You have done nothing wrong, I just don't trust young men, too much or any male to be honest, when it comes to you.  You are considered an exotic, gorgeous woman and I just don't want you to get hurt,"  Frank replied with a small smile.

"Exotic?  How?" she said with a confused face.

"How many Native Americans do you see on the street?" Frank asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "none I guess.  I don't look for that when I am out and about."

"I will suggest you pay more attention now and in the future.  You will see if young men are 'checking' you out," Frank smiled an evil smile. "You could find out, if your male friend is wanting to be more, flirt with other college students."

"Frank this is so stupid and a waste of time!"Angel scowled.

"Just do it and I will tell you of the men, I notice at the bar..."he smiled, "You can be so oblivious girl!"

Angel glared and stomped off to do school assignments.  She finished one paper online and was half through another but concentrating was, so hard.  This mystery man, Vlad, was on her mind.  His eyes were deep pools of blue and that luscious ebony hair would be the envy of even women.  Where did he live and what did he do in London?  His nicely fitted suit complimented his body.  His shoulders slightly broad that glided down to tappered but muscular waist.  Angel bet he had the most amazing v-line abs.

His hair was also an attraction. It reminded her of men's long tribal hair.  This man stood out with pale skin and raven black hair to his waist.  He stood out in the crowd with that length.  Then her cheeks burned hotly.  Her mind wandered to the thought of a dark line of happy trail hair to his groin.  He was. In her mind, well endowed in that region too, but who knows in real life.

Angel shook her head as it needed clearing. She sighed and said out loud..."probably too old for me..this can't be real.  Why would someone like him, be interested in me?"

The dark voice whispered, "He will flee in terror if he ever saw your real form..."

"Perhaps he will never see that side of me?" she smiled nervously.  "I wish I could go and fly for a bit....

"That means to embrace me..."dark voice echoed the reply.

  Angel's thoughts were interrupted, as the 'crawl' hit her.  Something or someone evil was entering the club.  It was probably the vampire dressed in red.  The tribal woman got up and left her apartment.  He had made a threat of harming Claire.  She glanced down and realized Frank's conversation had distracted her.  The bloody clothes were in the laundry but she had not put any other clothes on. 

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