illness (13)

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Albert dropped off Angel at the Shadow Run.  He walked in to say hello to Frank.  The young woman was crying.  Frank raised his eyebrows and waved to Albert hello.  Frank had pressing news for Angel.  The imp smiled and left out the side door. The sudden news of her father's collapse due to a stroke and trip to the hospital was sad but he found it good news for him and his plans for angel. He wanted a rift between her guardian Frank and the Nightbane Angel.  The slow turning of wheels in which Albert would move Miss Colter to Antebellum's permanently.   Next would be changing the direction of her courses for the following year.

"Angel!  I need to speak to you right now!" Frank was yelling as he walked around the bar counter.

"What is it, Frank?' she was wiping her eyes.

"Why are you crying?  Did you find out already?" Frank was worried now upon her appearance.

"Find out what?" the young woman replied.

Frank scratched the back of his head.."It's your father, he had a stroke, and he is not expected to live to tomorrow...I'm so sorry my dear!"

"He's not dead yet!  I must get home and soon..." Angel screeched out like a bird.

"There are no flights available to be in time!  How will you get there?"  Frank's face drew serious. "I don't want to know do I?"

"Frank just don't let the mirror in the apartment get broken is all I ask..." and she was gone.

 Alucard phased into the Shadow Run as he didn't trust the demon to deliver her home. Albert was not getting a chance to claim Angel just yet. It was time to take her to Hellsing even if it meant being the big, bad scary Shadow King.  He had heard the whole conversation and walked by Frank.  He turned and smiled at Frank with his fangs showing.

"She is so spirited, makes my old bones feel fresh and new again! "The vampire chuckled aggressively.

"Vampire?  Vampire stay away from her!"  Frank pulled a .45 from behind the bar.

"Americans and their guns!  Do you have silver blessed ammo dear Guardian?  That is the only way to stop my kind..."  Alucard walked towards the side door.

The Vampire King heard the young woman packing things when he reached her apartment door. Then it was quiet.  Angel yelled, "Alucard, this does not concern you!  Stay away I don't want to fight you, I'm done! No more!"

"Oh, far from it my dear Angeline!  I am 'dying' to see how you are going to get to the United States in time to save your father!  Can you teleport my dear young woman?  Is that how you escaped me last night?"  The No Life King phased through her door to find her standing in the living room next to a large mirror.

Angel smiled at him, "I need to get going but I do not wish for witnesses..."

"Oh, I plan to witness and pursue you ...You can't escape the Vampire King...I can travel several ways, as you will find out...girl," He flashed his fangs at her.  "It's time to meet Sir Hellsing and pay a visit to Hellsing manor."

"No, you cannot follow me as I travel a way you cannot...."  Angel looked at the large mirror then her body started to turn into a black flowing liquid into the mirror and disappeared.

Alucard actually was stunned for a moment..." Huh...after 583 years I can still learn something new." 

He walked over and placed his right hand on the mirror.  It didn't seem magical, but she could cast magic so maybe it was only a focal point for her, yet his instincts knew it had to be more to it.   The Vampire King paused in thought and then settled on taking the mirror off the wall and taking it to Hellsing.  The woman had told her guardian to keep it safe and who better to keep it protected then him? 

Him of course....

Angel emerged from a mirror in her father's rundown home.  The hospital was several miles away, over unpaved roads and so she grabbed a set of keys to an old truck.  The old beater truck went down the road and to the local hospital, slowly dodging large potholes.

  The young woman ran into the hospital immediately and stopped at a nurse's station.  "Hi, I'm Angeline Colter, come to see my father..."

"Yes of course, the family was not expecting you so soon.  He's in room #25 with your grandfather."  The attending nurse pointed towards the hall.

"Thanks!" And the woman was jogging down the hall.

  The tribal woman knocked on the door and waited.  She heard the shuffle of feet then the door opened slowly.  An old man, in his late sixties looked out.  The old man closed his eyes and reopened them.  He didn't think he was seeing right.  How did his granddaughter get to Alaska so soon?

"Angeline good to see you but I only called Frank about two hours ago.  You did not travel here as most others would...we need to go talk somewhere other than her..." her grandfather stopped in mis-sentence.

"Grandfather!  I need to see dad!  Please let me see him, I can help him, please..." Angel pleaded.

"Only for a few minutes and then we need to talk.  You will not touch your father until I 'look' you over," he replied now.

  Angel walked to her dad, unconscious and hooked up to machines.  "Papa I'm here. I'm going to make you'll see." 

I'll never leave you again..."  tears started running down her face.  "I love you; grandfather needs to talk to me..."

Angel turned on her booted heels and walked back out the door.  Her shoulders slouched as her boots clomped loudly.  She was not looking forward to the talk with grandfather.  Would he try to kill her? Maybe.  But it was most likely to kicked out of the tribe. Kicked out and never come back. Then her life would really become complicated, and she wanted simple.  After the last encounter with the Vampire King, Angel was willing to return home again.

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