|Blood in my Lungs|

Start from the beginning

"May I have your attention please, as you know the Capo is running a bit late. You may explore the grounds of the Palazzo if you wish, the capo will be here shortly."  The man who greeted me said and I stood up from my seat along with most of the people and went a separate direction.

The sound of my heels echoed the marble floors as I studied the architecture of this place, simply breathtaking.

I felt a strange stab in my chest as I stopped walking and leaned against a wall, my vision blurred in a matter of seconds as I walked to the garden outside to get some fresh air. I fell onto the ground then grabbed a handful of water from the fountain and splashed my face, not the best I know but I was desperate.

My throat burred suddenly and my vision grew worse, this intoxicating feeling that I had was killing me. I didn't know what was going on and in such quick time my body met the hard cobblestone.

From the corner of my eyes I could see a tall figure walking towards me, I couldn't see the face but they opened my mouth and gave me a liquid. It tasted bitter but my eyes slowly regained their vision.

"God why of all people did you have to be here, he won't be happy to see you." As my vision cleared it also started fading until it was nothing but darkness.


"You said only a little would keep her conscious and now look at her, pale skin, out cold, I should have never listened to you!!"

Shut up

"Damn dude chill I didn't mean for this to happen I just told you what worked best."


"I'm such an idiot, why did I carry this out. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

"Oh god just shut up, it's so loud in here." I said then started to adjust my eyes to the room, looking around I see two guys wearing all black suits with blank stares.

"You owe we 20 euros bitch." The man to the left said to the other one and he face palmed himself.

"Fine take it, anyways how are you feeling miss Laurents." The man on the right said as he handed the money to the other one.

"Oh I'm perfectly fine you know with my hands free and all." Note the sarcasm, I was tied down to a chair with tight chains around my body.

"Sorry for everything we're just doing what we've been told." The right one said.

"I'll tell boss that she's awake." The left one said and the other nodded then left.

"I already know who's going to come out those doors so just drop the act, he's here isn't he let me guess to try and make me marry him again." I chuckled after as I though of Adrien trying again but when those doors opened I was surprised.

"Well hello cutie, hopefully you didn't get too comfortable with my bodyguards. I'm sure your curious as to the reason why you're here." I looked up to see a handsome man with black hair and green eyes. He pulled out a chair and sat down in front of me with an innocent smile.

"Now listen I don't want to force you to love me or whatever those relationships are, I just want to get rid of the competition. You see in this business new comers aren't taken in so easily, that wine that you drank was poisoned and we gave you a quarter of the antidote.

And in just a few minutes the pain should start to kick in, filling your lungs with blood slowly. The Laurent's family is very important and with them back in the picture now. More competition means more sharing and I don't personally like doing that, anyways enough of me rambling. I haven't introduced myself, my name is Alessandro Romero head of the mafia in Sicily. Now, I can just watch as your beautiful body decays or wait until you give me the business. So what's it going to be cutie. The antidote is right here, clocks ticking." It was a handful of information he gave me as I looked at him with a pissed glare, his pupils seemed to dilate as he inched his face closer.

"Such a fine woman you are, what a shame your heart will be damaged a bit." His hand caressed my face and I bit on his hand, he quickly took it back and held a look of shock and amusement.

"Wow you really are something, no wonder everyone fonds over you." Everyone, oh god there's more weirdos like him in the world.

"We'll make yourself comfortable because I'll gladly let my lungs be filled with blood, oh and make sure to send my body to my family. I would greatly appreciate it." I replied and gave him the same innocent smile but that smile was gone when I started coughing.

"YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE ALESSANDRO!!" Suddenly the sound of yelling and running coming from the hallway echoed as it grew closer. My mouth continued to cough and I noticed small trickles of blood on the floor. My throat burned and I felt like I almost couldn't breath then suddenly the door flung open and my eyes grew heavy, the sounds coming from room were muffled as I looked down at my blood covered lap. All I could recall seeing was someone giving me more viles of some liquid and some faint words.

"She's going to kill me when she wakes up, my little Rosie."

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