Chapter 6

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                                               *Warning, careful through out the chapter please*

                                                 "Tisalia, I............................" She gulped waiting for your answer. "Tisalia, I............................... think you should stop screaming at your attendants. They didn't do anything to treat you bad. So, please stop." She looked at you with a sad look and took a step back heading towards her bed. You turned away and walked out of the room walking towards your own room, having a great urge to sleep after the whole, busy day and your sickness which is slowly going away.

                                                                      *Time Skip*

                                                        It was a glorious morning and you couldn't wait to get up and start a brand new, fresh day. But as you got up, there was something wrong. It was so quiet. Literal no talk. You walked out of your room, outside. Outside you could see a girl group of harpies sitting and listening to Dr. Glenn's lectures on how to care for their wings. But suddenly, all of them jumped on Dr. Glenn. You walked a little closer and heard that they were begging him to brush their wings. You giggled at the whole scene of Dr. Glenn trying to get away from a bunch of harpies. Like seriously Dr. Glenn is so nice and kind, of course everyone would go after him!

                                                    Then, you decided to make a little prank on the harpies. Arachnia sent a rumor all around the harpy village that you and Dr. Glenn were dating, so why not play the play? When you were in the Lunaris kingdom, your parents taught you how to be a good girl and a princess - like figure, but they aren't here, so why couldn't you use the chance to make a perfect prank on the harpies? You quietly laughed at your idea and started making up your plan.

                    You went and quickly changed into a light blue belly shirt.

                                                          (The light blue belly shirt you put on)

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                                                          (The light blue belly shirt you put on)

                                         After that you decided that this shirt will give them the impression you just got out of your room, you'll start accusing Dr. Glenn of cheating with the harpies. And then you'll start accusing the harpies. Brilliant! The only thing left to do was activate your plan. You carefully walked towards the crowd of harpies and Dr. Glenn. You stood to the side and saw Dr. Glenn. He looked up to you and you winked at him letting him know, it was part of the play in the harpy village.  You took a deep breath and straightened yourself up. And then, the plan was activated.

                                                   You cleared your throat, bringing the attention of the harpies, putting your hands to your hips. "Dr. Glenn, can you explain this to me?" You tried saying as serious as you can. He looked at you with an understanding look and answered, "I was just checking how the harpies were doing and lecturing them on how to care for their wings properly." You scanned the crowd of harpies and replied, "Oh, really? Then, was getting a bunch of harpies all over you, a part of your check up!?" you half - screamed. He tried making a shocked face but ultimately failed. You just hoped nobody noticed. "N - no! You know, how - those other girls always hit on me, well, same thing. They all just started getting on me!"

                                                                You tried scanning them keenfully and scolded, "Why in the world did you try getting Glenn!" From those words the harpies got a little scared and they quickly formed a line slowly bowing their heads. "Didn't anybody teach you! I and Glenn are dating that means you have no right to hit on him!" They all stared at the ground and whispered, "Forgive us, Ms. Y/N." You took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine. I'll forgive you. But next time, you won't get away that easy." You turned around and walked away, going to your room but bumping into Arachnia on the way.

                                                        "Oh, my! I see someone was having fun last night!" Arachnia commented as she looked at your light blue belly shirt that was put on a little crooked. "You know, Y/N. Last night I stayed up late, wishing that I did you last night. But unfortunantly, I see that Dr. Glenn did that first." You looked at her with a sadisitic look and said, "Well, I see he did. By the way, I'm straight so don't even dream about it." She looked at you with a pouting face, "Awww. I thought you weren't. That's so sad." You just rolled your eyes and continued going back to your room. "Whatever. I need to go and get changed so bye." She smirked and answered, "Yeah, see you later." You rolled your eyes and continued ignoring her, just galloping back to your room. (remember you're a centaur deer for now)

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