Chapter 8

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Willow's POV
It's been a month since the 'incident' at Settlement 4. Everyone was infected, well everyone we know of. Pony has been missing.
There's no doubt about it in my mind:
The coward ran away.
That goddamn coward left everyone to die!
And I let it all happen.
I didn't send help when he came to me..
Even though William was there, and in danger.
Then again, the story he gave me was outrageously ridiculous!
It's not my fault.

I sighed as I picked up a picture from my desk.
I remember Daisy took it, and it's of Rash, Y/N, William and I.
Rash is gone.
William's gone.
Y/N... it dawned on me.
The officer could've known where Y/N is.
"I had the perfect oportunidad to find out where she is and I didn't even realize it!"

I broke down crying.
"I lost half of my crew, my second in command, and potentially my little brother and my best friend too..
I'm alone..
I'm all alone..
I'm... I'm... I'm going to find her.."

Finding Y/N was the only thing I felt I could do.
I was going to my my best friend, the person that I never told the truth to.
The truth is that, I'm in love with Y/N, but I never told her. I never found the right time.

"Willow?" Tigry walked in, "Are you okay?"
"I'm going to find her," I said.
"What?" Tigry was confused.
"I said, I'm going to find her," I repeated myself.
"Find who?"
"My Y/N."
"Who's Y/N?"
"Can it, tiger!"
"My name is Tigry—"
"I said, CAN IT!"

Tigry's POV
"Willow's lost her damn mind!"
I walked out of her office.
Ever since Rash and William got infected, she's suddenly broken down crying at random times, been extremely rude, threatened to kill multiple members of TSP, and has started staring at an empty frame, as if it had a picture.

I can understand why she's feeling the way she is, however.
She lost her best friend and her brother. I can't blame her.
I just hope she goes back to normal soon.

"Honestly, Tigry is such a creep!" I heard Amanda Armadillo say as I walked past them.
"Gosh, I want to be transferred to another facility," I murmured under my breath.
"What was that, punk!?" Andres Anteater grabbed my shirt. I swear he is such a  s i m p  for Amanda.
"Screw off," I pushed his hand onto his chest, and left.
"Weirdo," Oliver Orangutan shouted at me. I don't understand what made me a weirdo in that situation, but ok.

The people in Settlement 1 (author-I changed it from settlement 8 cause I don't want to deal with extra settlements) are dumbasses. No better way to say it.

Inprisoned (Roblox Piggy Fan-fiction) Willow x Fem!Reader x DoggyWhere stories live. Discover now