Chapter 1

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What were you doing on January 19th, 2020?
I was a Detective for the Lucella Police Department sent to look for a missing kid.
Not my first case, but I had never gone on one without my trusted police partner.

My first case was four years prior, the arrest of Willow Wolf and Rash Raccoon, my close childhood friends.
They had been stealing food and other supplies from all over the city.
Doggy and I arrested them in their base of operations, Gazettlia Alleys.
It didn't feel right, however. I couldn't end my friendship with them.

I helped Willow and Rash see their families in prison, mainly paying for the visits. I'd also write to them everyday.
Plenty of suspicion grew around me as result, but Doggy stood by me through thick and thin. We became best friends quickly.
We solved close to every case we were on, we only failed once in our first four years. We silenced everyone who thought something was off. We didn't just get along at work, however.
Most of our days were spent hanging out with each other, and a good coworker of ours, Poley.
He was very fun, smart, but often reckless in missions.
Doggy, and him were good friends since high school.
We'd go to eat ice cream, watch Netflix, and have doing whatever came to our minds that day.

Every now, and again, we'd be accompanied by Erika Hedgehog, Poley's police partner.
She was the most serious in our group, and the oldest (albeit by just a year), and the most judgemental in our group when it came to my friendships with Willow and Rash.
Ultimately, she let it go though. We had a rough start, but she could see where I was coming from. Once we overcame that initial hurdle, things quickly changed between us, and our trio became a group of four (a squad?).

But, Doggy stood out to me. I started to develop romantic feelings for him.
We did everything together, and I never got tired of him. I actually felt sad when he wasn't around.
Poley obviously noticed, and teased me whenever my 'sweetheart' (as I had him saved on my phone) wasn't around.

On that fateful January 19th, however, it was Doggy's day off. These always made me nervous. I can't quite explain why, but I couldn't work as well without him. I stepped out of my patrol car, breathing in and out.

"So, this is the place where Georgie Piggy was last seen," I recall saying to myself, staring at a large house with green walls.
I suddenly heard a noise, I can't remember what.
"What was that sound?" I asked turning around to look behind me.
The rest of that night is a blur, but I can tell you the bits and pieces I've been able to put together.

I can't recall what happened next or what attacked me, what I do know is that I woke up inside the house. There was an infected inside, but I didn't know what she was at the time. I called her, and those like her, monsters. The infected are so familiar, yet so different. It's hard to explain.

I managed to escape the house, and tried to call the department for backup. I heard nothing but static from the other line.
"Looks like I'll have to go to the station," I grumbled as I headed back to my car.

I drove back to the station to find it deserted. I investigated to find another creature, just like the one at the Piggys' house. She tried to attack me, baseball bat in hand. I headed towards the garage.

Doggy was there with his car, and we drove away to a gallery. There was yet another infected there, a man this time.
I think I should also note all these infected were Georgie's family members. I know this because of their locations:
-Penny was at her house
-Ms.Piggy was at the station, because she was reporting Georgie missing with her husband.
-Her husband, Mr.Piggy, had followed us from the station into the gallery.

I recall having a conversation with Doggy after we escaped the gallery, although the only clear thing I remember from it is when he said:
"Listen, Y/N. You're a good person. Even in desperate times, you held on to your morality. It's the people like you that succeed. As long as you stay who you are, you'll get to where you need to be."

Inprisoned (Roblox Piggy Fan-fiction) Willow x Fem!Reader x DoggyWhere stories live. Discover now