Chapter Twelve

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            I walk back to the table trying to hide my face blushing. As I sit back down it seems like they had been talking about something between them because they sit completely quiet now. I'm too embarrassed to look up but when I do Gon looks at me with a small smile letting me know I don't need to be self-conscious about it. Just then the waiter that sat us down came up to the table and asked us if we were ready to order. We all nodded our heads and told them the orders we wanted. After Gon and Killua went I ordered "Hi, may I please have a caesar salad?"

*"Yes of course! Will that be all for the three of you?" Just as the waiter finished Killua blurted out, "Could I have an extra straw for the milkshake I ordered?"


I stare down trying to make my smile go away but I can't seem to be successful. As all of us wait for our food we talk about where we want to go after staying one more night or so here.

_"We should go somewhere Y/N hasn't been yet!" Gon pitches in.

"That's a good idea, Where have you already been Y/N?"

- "Like nowhere. My parents have always kept me conserved from the outside world, the only places I've been are in both of your houses."

_ "Oh wow. Well Killua where have we been that we can both show Y/N around really well."

"We could go to York New."

- "I've heard lots about that area, it sounds like a bunch of fun!"

_ "Okay then it's settled!"

Just as we wrapped up our conversation our food arrived. The savory smell of seafood made its way to the table as a plate of crab got passed to Gon. Along with Gon's meal Killua got handed his steak, my salad and Killua's milkshake arrived soon after. I took a couple bites of my meal before Killua turned to me asking if I wanted to try his milkshake. I hesitated for a second but accepted with a blushy smile. He passed me an unopened straw to use, as I break the paper barrier that's around the straw I can see Gon chuckling under his breath noticing what Killua's trying to do. I gently place my straw in the milkshake and give it a taste. The rich vanilla coats my throat along with the chill of the ice cream giving me a brain freeze. I jolt my head down while holding it hoping that the sharp pain doesn't last too long. Killua looks down at me, he looks me in the eyes and asks if I am okay. Something about him caring about the small things gives my stomach nervous waves, I stare back down waiting the headache out. After a couple more seconds go by the pain in my head wears off.

We finish up eating while talking about what we should do together in York New. Before we could decide where to go the three of us finished our food. The waiter notices and asks us if we want the bill. Gon nods in dissatisfaction and gives them his hunter's license to pay for our meals. Killua and I laugh under our breaths, feeling bad about the situation. I hand the waiter my hunters license and tell them I will pay for my own meal. After paying we all make our way to the outside of the cafe.

_"I didn't know you had a hunters license!!"

- "My parents wanted me to be able to protect myself so I went through training for it."

_"That's so cool, I wish you went to the same exam as me and Killua. How old were you when you went?"

- "Well I went to 285th one so I was 10 years old but I didn't pass. My dad forced me to take it again and I ended up passing in the 286th exam."

_"Oh okay. So have you had any fighting experience since then?"

- "Not really, I box here and there but I've always been cooped up in my house because I'm supposed to be the next successor of the valuable company my dad owns or something like that."

_"Woah, that sounds pretty dangerous. Are you going to try to go back to your house?"

-"I really don't plan to, I'm genuinely happy I met Killua and you, I'm already having so much fun with you guys. I need a break from my home and family and this is the best way to do it. I'll probably get in touch with them some point soon but I don't want them to look for me."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm not worried about you leaving, if your parents become a problem it'll be easy to handle." Killua says quietly.

_"What was that Killua? I don't think you said that loud enough." Gon says with a mocking tone.

Killua walks over to Gon calmly and smacks him on the head. He starts to move in the direction back to Gon's house. Gon catches up and pounces on Killua making him fall on top of him. The rest of the way back they bicker and snap at one another. I stay close behind appreciating the connections I've made with such good people.

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