*°•○Part Nineteen○•°*

Comenzar desde el principio

They all watched in awe as the Princess' azure gown morphed back into the ruby red dress she had worn the day when Hans and Louise found her stuck in the spider web in the park keeper's shed.

Several muffled goodmornings and goodbyes broke the stunned silence, and when Hans and Louise stood up and walked bravely to Rosalind and Blue, they noticed that the Rose Queen's fury had scattered most of Rosalind's friends. Now, there were just the four of them, Roslav, Celeste, the two Rose Elves, and Orangebeak on the lake's bank.

"You are coming home with us, young lady. Right now," the Queen ordered.

"No, Mother. Not until I take my friend home," Rosalind said, glancing at Hans, "and definitely not before you promise me that Blue can stay in our castle as long as he wants to. Or I will go back with him to their camp."

"Rosario, say something!" the queen addressed her husband, desperation seeping through her voice. She didn't seem to like that her daughter was listing her conditions, but she apparently liked even less the notion of her joining the butterflies on their endless journeys.

"Well, I don't see why he should not stay. I just want you to come back home, Rosalind..." the Rose King said calmly, smiling at his daughter as he embraced her and kissed her swiftly on her forehead. "You are a brave girl," he whispered in her ear before he turned and spoke to the rest of them, "You are all welcome in the Rose Castle."

"But..." Queen Rosamunde protested as she let her husband lace his arm through hers and lead her away.

"No buts, Rosamunde, your ways have never worked with her..." the friends heard the king say, as they watched the royal couple spread their wings and fly back home.

As soon as they were gone, Rosalind's knees trembled, and she would have fallen to the ground if Blue's arm wasn't wrapped around her waist.

"I... I thought they would banish you again..." the Rose Fairy whispered, cupping his face in her hands as her eyes filled with tears. And this time, when she saw his eyebrows knit with surprise because he did not know what she was talking about, she could not suppress them.

Rosalind leaned her forehead against his chest and wept all those tears she had been holding back for so long. And as if her tears falling over the forgetful butterfly's heart were the strongest magic potion, melting the last shard of the Snow Queen's mirror buried deep within, his face changed, lit up with a sudden realisation. Blue put his hand under Rosalind's chin and lifted her face to see her eyes as he exclaimed, "We... wanted to get married... I love you, Rosalind!"

That's my cue, Hans thought, feeling happy for Rosalind and Blue, but sad at the same time because he had to leave. He wrapped his arm around Louise's shoulders and was just about to ask Rosalind to take him back home when the Rose Fairy, apparently following their thoughts, spoke to Louise, "It's now or never."

Louise blushed, and as she nodded, everyone suddenly disappeared somewhere, pretending to have something important to do.

Hans glanced around, puzzled by their friends' strange behaviour, but Louise cupped his face in her hands, making him look into her eyes.

"Hans, back then, in that shed... I knew we did not have much time left and... I... wanted you to kiss me, just once..."

Hans nodded. He wanted it too, and not only then. But without her saying it out loud, he would have never gathered enough courage... So, trying not to overthink it, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Louise's.

For an instant, everything around them vanished, and there were just the two of them alone, in a bright place where their past was happier than what it had really been, and their future would be exactly as delightful as they would design it together.

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