Chapter 7

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~New York Train Station, Thursday, 10:08 am~

Detective Windex entered the train departing for Newark. He had been recruited to assist in solving the Hapley and Devine murder. He only knew what everyone else knew, but the police said they had another layer that just developed.

He took a seat next to a window and crossed his right leg over his left. There wasn't many people on the train, it was after the morning rush, and before lunch breaks began.

As the train kept chugging along, he thought about his divorced wife, and if she would ever murder him.

Wouldn't doubt it, a voice inside him replied.

Soon there was only one more stop before he had reached his destination.

Three people boarded the train, a mother and daughter, and another woman who casually put out her cigarette before entering. She sat at the seat across from him.

"Do I have lipstick on my teeth?" She said flashing him her pearly whites.

"No your good m'am" he replied.

She wore a trench coat, and sunglasses. Her hair was covered by a maroon hat.

"Is this seat taken?" She said not really waiting for an answer.


They sat in silence for a few minutes, which was broken by Windex's phone.

"Yep." It was the police reminding him to be at the station by noon. He hung up the phone.

"So, you take this train a lot?" She asked.

"No I am just coming for work."

"What do you do?" She fiddled with the buttons on her coat.

"Oh, right now I'm helping to solve the Hapley case." He thought that he probably shouldn't have told her.

She sat almost closer to him. "Well I used to be pretty close to Phillip."

He nodded his head, but hesitated when he felt her hand caress his leg.

"So I don't see a ring on that finger." She touched his ring finger.



Slowly she leaned in and touched her lips to his. Her lips were soft but powerful at the same time. She brushed his hair back and wrapped her arm around his neck. He pulled her waist against him. They kissed for what seemed like minutes.

The train eventually pulled to a halt, at Newark.

She moved off him, and he got up.

"Good luck with your case, and I hope that body turns out to be hers."

"What body.?" He hadn't heard anything about a knew body.

"Haven't you heard? There's a body near one of the swamps, and they suspect it to be Ellen.."

" well I got to go.." He walked off quickly already dialing the phone. The train chugged away.

The woman sat up and pulled the hat out of her hair, letting her golden locks fall out.

"Oh Ellen, your such a home wrecker." She said while fixing her smudged lipstick.

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