Chapter 6

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~Newark police station, Tuesday, 11:56 am~

"Tracy Hapley, welcome back...I see you've gotten a hair cut..."
Tracy wore a gray sweatshirt and sat back in her chair. She had only been in the interrogation room once, but it seemed almost different. Maybe it was the vibe that changed.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and sat up a bit.

"Anyways, shall we?" And they began Tracy's second interrogation.

"So Tracy, tell me about Ellen."
The police man took of his pen cap.

"What is there to say, she's Ellen Devine, she could be an adjective herself."

"And what would be synonyms for that adjective?"

"A manipulative,lying,annoying
Intelligent, bitch."

The interrogation went on as a interrogation would, questions harassment, anger, but then out of the blue, a officer pulled the interrogator into the hallway.

When he came in, he looked taken aback.

"Mrs Hapley, what do you know about the disappearance of Ellen Devine's body?"


~caravan tavern motel 3:07 pm~

"So, her bodies gone, but not Phillip's?" Karen's voice questioned on the other line of the phone.


The was an awkward silence lasting about 5 seconds.

"Karen, I don't feel good about this...somewhere out there is their killer, and they were most likely the one who stole Ellen's corpse, I mean who else would steal a dead body?" Tracy began chipping off the nail polish off her index finger.

"Well, who would steal a dead body in general?" Karen exclaimed.

"I don't know, I just need some rest..."

"Okay I'll talk to you tomorrow, try to get some sleep."

"K, bye.." Tracy hung up her phone, and flopped down onto the bed. She took a deep inhale and just lay there.

Not even 10 minutes later, the door burst open.


"Excuse m-" Tracy tried to argue but the police officers just brushed her aside.

They searched around everywhere, while Tracy just stood there, helplessly watching them. One of them took Tracy's scissors that she left in the bathroom, after she cut her hair, and put them in a plastic bag.

"What is this?" One officer said holding up a bottle of pills.

"Tylenol, know how to read a label?" She sighed.

"No need for the attitude, Miss Hapley."

After a few more minutes, they said they had everything they needed and left, just as quickly as they came in.

Tracy put her face to a pillow and screamed in exhaustion.

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