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Have you ever been madly in love with your childhood best friend, but they never loved you the same way? I mean, not like they didn't love you back, but just not how you wanted it to be?

Well, if you have ever been there, then you would most definitely relate to everything you are about to witness in Idara's funny love story. But if you haven't experienced such before, all I can offer is a piece of advice: Get tons of tissues or handkerchiefs, grab a snack, sit back and learn as you dive into Idara's colorful, twisted life.



It all started when Yomi and Idara gained admission into the same school. They were both undergraduates in the University of Lagos, studying the same course-Mass Communication, and this period was their second semester for 100 Level.

Today happened to be a blessed, peaceful Saturday, which meant that there were no lectures for the weekend in most departments. Usually, Idara spent her Saturday mornings at the school's Sports Center where she enjoyed watching other students play their favorite sport or do some serious workout, but today, she sat on a stony pavement which served as a barrier between the land and the wide lagoon, chatting with a talented roommate of hers called Anastasia.

"I think I'm getting better at this thing." Anastasia said as she moved her fingers smoothly on the strings of her new acoustic guitar, creating a melodious tune which caught Idara's attention.

"That sounds familiar." Idara stared at the neat musical instrument with curious eyes, trying to remember where she'd heard that same melody from before. "But I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Do you mind telling me?"

Anastasia smiled and doubled the pace of her fingers. "Lonely! I am still lonely! I have nobodyyy-" she replied in a singsong voice, chuckling, "-for my ooown. Oh, I am so lonelyyy!"

On hearing that, Idara started clapping and chuckling too as the memory came back in a flash. "Yeah. Correct. That's the exact one. Bravo!"

Both ladies laughed to their heart's content, then silence took over for a while.

Wearing the strap of her guitar over her shoulder, Anastasia turned around in her sitting position and joined Idara in gazing at the peaceful waters far ahead.

"So, is that really all you have to say about it?"

Quizzically, Idara raised an eyebrow and mumbled, "Sorry? What was that?"

"Come on, you know what I'm talking about." Anastasia inhaled fresh air, her eyes fixated on a small speedboat moving under the mighty Third Mainland Bridge. "It's about that song I sang some minutes ago."

Idara raised another eyebrow, giving her friend a sideways look. "Okay. What about it?"

Anastasia's breath came out in a whoosh as she said, "Dara, I can't believe you still haven't figured out what I meant, despite the hint I just gave you."

Idara shrugged a shoulder. "Well, I'm not a mind reader, so whatever it is, spill it already."

Anastasia shook her head in self-pity. "Actually, what I'm trying to say is that, in spite of my dashing looks and my astounding talents, the fact that I'm still single and lonely baffles me big time."

"No, you're not." Idara disagreed at once. "I mean, yes, you are single, but definitely not lonely. Remember, Jesus Christ, our Lord and personal Saviour, is always there for you, dear. So cheer up, babe. It's all good."

Anastasia giggled and elbowed her roommate's upper arm, gently. "Dara, you are not serious o! I mean, of course, everybody needs Jesus one way or the other, but there are certain limits to what our Heavenly Father can do for us physically. Romance, for instance." Her lips stretched into a crooked smile. "With due respect, my Lord and personal Saviour won't kiss my cheeks or send lovely good morning texts to me every day, would He?"

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