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Here he was.

Standing in front of the very building he planned on cussing Win out in.

Bright was conflicted. He didn't want to embarrass Win but at the same time, he didn't care.

Bright felt used, played, and disrespected. He knew part of him shouldn't be mad since they weren't and still aren't together. But it still hurts.

Tae was horrible for them in high school. He was obsessed with Win and always tried to get into his pants. There were plenty of occasions where he was close to it because of Win and his carelessness.

But Win always assured Bright he'd never in a million years be with him. That he only ever would bed with Bright. And it hurt to know that the same person Bright was told not to worry about was able to finally commit to his promise.

Bright felt his phone buzz again.

He looked and saw it was another missed call from Win.

It took Bright about an hour to get here because of traffic but he had been standing outside for more than 15 minutes. People looked at him as they entered and exited. He looked at his phone again to check the time.

12: 17 pm

Bright decided he needed to confront him. He needed to make sure this time he was ready and willing to get over Win. That he wouldn't allow himself to have lingering feelings for him anymore.

With a boost of confidence, Bright made his way inside and towards the front desk.

To his surprise, when he walked towards the lady she seemed to have already recognized him.

"Hi, you must be Bright. Win has already told us to go ahead and let you up, please have a nice day. " she smiled and continue to type on her computer.

Bright nodded and made his way down the long hallway to the elevators.

Win already texted him later that day that he'd be on the 16th floor. So that's the number Bright pushed once he stepped it. He was happy he was the only one inside, he didn't think he'd be able to prepare himself in front of another person.

So many thoughts went through Brights mind as the numbers went by. He had no idea how he would react or the words he would say.

Am I even allowed to be mad? Am I even allowed to feel this way? We broke up....we are broken up.

A sudden ding took Bright from out his thoughts and he felt the elevator come to a stop and the doors open.

Bright walked out from the elevator to be hit with the sound of laughter. He could hear a couple of voices actually but one stuck out. The sound the he was in love with, the sound he loved to hear on any day, the sound of the person who he thought he loved.

Walking, Bright was met with eyes staring at him. All the employees down on this level seemed as if they already knew who Bright was, and it was making him uneasy.

Did he just give everyone a picture of me?

Bright couldn't stand the burning feeling from everyone's gaze. It was as if he was being judged even before anyone knew who he was. Everyone he walked past would whisper and point, making Bright wish he went home instead.

After marching his way through the office he went to where the sound of laughter was.

Bright stood in silence as he watches Win laugh and converse with the others around him.

He wanted so bad to wipe that smile off his face, to throw a bottle of orange juice at him, to tell him to never speak to him again.

But instead, he watched. And he waited.

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