Dear Diary

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The night Akaashi was over y/n ended up falling asleep in the bathroom. Akaashi called her mom and telling her y/n hasn't come out of the bathroom.

Her mom rushed home, leaving the rest of closing up to Akaashi's mom, seeing how they run a business together.

"Is she still in there Keiji?" Kanna; y/n's mom asked.

"Yes, she is. And she hasn't been responding to me."

"Okay. Well, I'll unlock the door. Thank you Keiji."

"Of course. I can stay over and help with y/n if you need me too."

"It's alright. You have school tomorrow, so you should probably go and get some sleep."

"Right. Have a good night then." Akaashi walked out the door, and once he was gone Kanna opened and unlocked the door. But when she opened it, she noticed y/n slumped over the toilet, with blood and petals everywhere.

Kanna slipped onto the bathroom, locking the door on her way in. She walked over to her daughter, looking at the mess around her.

Kanna bent down, brushing her daughters (h/c) locks out of her face.

"y/n. Hey y/n." Kanna said, gently shaking her. "you fell asleep at the toilet."

y/n stirred awake, blinking slowing adjusting to the bright light. "Mom? Is that you?"

"It is. Now what happened?" she asked taking a wet cloth to y/n's face.

"He got a girlfriends mom." She sobbed "He fell in love with someone."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Right now, it is! Look at this mess mom, I'm coughing up flower petals."

"So, why don't we just get that surgery done before this gets worse."

"I can't. The risk mom is I'm deemed emotionless. Forever, and that my feelings for Keiji will be gone." She whispered yelled "It's not bad right now. There's still a chance he could love me back, right? I have to try, I have to."

"y/n, you're my baby. I can't lose you to some stupid diesis. Please, I know it hurts to see him love someone else, but what happens if he doesn't love you back in 6 months. You'll be gone and I'll be alone."

"I know mom. But I want to be more, than his best friend." She said holding up her bracelet that was now off her wrist. "This. This is all I'll ever be to him, but maybe he'll love me back."

"y/n that's a big maybe. Please, I don't want to lose you. You're all I have."

"I know mom. I know."


April 13

Dear Diary,

Today marks the second day of my journey with Hanahaki dieses. It's a dumb diesis caused by unrequited love. It starts as petals apparently. Then as it progresses it goes from petals to buds then those buds bloom, and then you're gone.

I know it sounds absolutely stupid, but it's a real thing apparently. And you would never know who caused it.

Yep, it's my childhood best friend, Keiji Akaashi. I think that's how you spell his last name. I wouldn't know, I only call him Keiji, lol.

But he got himself a girlfriend. I know I should be happy for him, but I don't want to. That should be me with him. Not some girl he met last year. I've known him since before we were born. Wait does that make sense. Doesn't matter.

Still into you(I think) {K. Akaashi }Where stories live. Discover now